Gabby on Being a Skilled Tradeswoman (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, is at the forefront of fostering diversity and inclusion within the traditionally male-dominated field of electrical work. In this informative blog article, we explore the experiences of women in the industry, providing valuable insights for both electricians and those aspiring to join this dynamic field.

Building Confidence in a Male-Dominated Environment

Entering a work environment where the majority is male can be challenging for anyone, especially women. However, at Barts Electric, the emphasis is on empowering individuals to prove their capabilities rather than focusing on gender stereotypes. One electrician shares her experience, highlighting that while proving oneself may be necessary, it is not impossible.

The Right Mindset

Success in the electrical construction industry, regardless of gender, requires a specific mindset. The key is to maintain confidence from day one, even if it’s your first time wearing a tool belt. The advice is clear – don’t lose confidence, as walking into a situation where you are surrounded by mostly male colleagues can be intimidating. Barts Electric recognizes the importance of mindset and encourages individuals, especially women, to embrace the challenge with resilience.

Supportive Work Culture at Barts Electric

What sets Barts Electric apart is its commitment to fostering a supportive work culture. The electrician in the video emphasizes that at Barts Electric, she didn’t have to prove herself solely based on gender. Instead, her colleagues recognized her personality, character, and capabilities, providing unwavering support.

Equal Treatment and Respect

Barts Electric values diversity and believes in treating all employees equally. The electrician attests that once her colleagues recognized her capabilities, they supported her wholeheartedly. The key, as highlighted by her experience, is to approach the work with confidence, ask questions, and strive to learn continuously. By doing so, one can integrate seamlessly into the team, earning the respect of colleagues.

Opportunities for Electrical Apprentices and Journeymen

As a national electrical construction contractor, Barts Electric is continuously looking to expand its team. The company welcomes both electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen, offering opportunities for growth and development. For those considering a career in electrical work, Barts Electric provides a supportive environment that encourages learning and professional advancement.

Barts Electric is not just a workplace; it’s a community that values diversity, equality, and a positive mindset. Women entering the electrical construction industry can find inspiration and support at Barts Electric, where the focus is on recognizing individual capabilities rather than gender. Whether you are an experienced journeyman or a budding electrical apprentice, consider joining the Barts Electric family, where confidence and competence are celebrated.

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In any situation where you’re a girl walking into a work environment surrounded by mostly men, you’re always going to, just sometimes, maybe have to prove yourself that you are able to handle the workload. But it’s not impossible. I think that it definitely takes a certain mindset that you have to have as a woman. I’m not saying that’s a good or a bad thing; it’s 100% possible. I would say to keep your confidence from day one, even if it’s the first time you’ve ever put on a tool belt. Just don’t lose your confidence because it’s hard walking into a position or a situation where you are in a ratio with other people, and the majority are men, so it can be intimidating.

I mean, that’s the great thing about Barts Electric. Once I didn’t have to work for that, it was given to me once everybody here saw the type of personality and the character that I had and saw that I was capable. Everybody gets behind you and supports you, and honestly, they probably have more respect for me just based on the fact that I walked in with the mindset that I’ve told you to have – to keep your confidence and just ask questions and learn everything you can. Act like you’re everybody else here, so nobody here is going to treat you differently. That’s why you don’t want to lose that confidence.

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Complete Video Transcript

In any situation where you’re a girl walking into a work environment surrounded by mostly men, you’re always going to, just sometimes, maybe have to prove yourself that you are able to handle the workload. But it’s not impossible. I think that it definitely takes a certain mindset that you have to have as a woman. I’m not saying that’s a good or a bad thing; it’s 100% possible. I would say to keep your confidence from day one, even if it’s the first time you’ve ever put on a tool belt. Just don’t lose your confidence because it’s hard walking into a position or a situation where you are in a ratio with other people, and the majority are men, so it can be intimidating.

I mean, that’s the great thing about Barts Electric. Once I didn’t have to work for that, it was given to me once everybody here saw the type of personality and the character that I had and saw that I was capable. Everybody gets behind you and supports you, and honestly, they probably have more respect for me just based on the fact that I walked in with the mindset that I’ve told you to have – to keep your confidence and just ask questions and learn everything you can. Act like you’re everybody else here, so nobody here is going to treat you differently. That’s why you don’t want to lose that confidence.