Barts Elevated Me (Video)

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In the dynamic field of electrical construction, Barts Electric stands out as a national leader, shaping the careers of aspiring electricians and seasoned journeymen alike. This blog article accompanies a compelling video that highlights the transformative journey of individuals within the Barts Electric family. Whether you’re an experienced professional or someone aspiring to become an electrician, this article sheds light on the company’s ethos, standards, and opportunities for growth.

From Self-Discovery to Professional Growth

The video testimonial captures the personal growth experienced by individuals at Barts Electric. One individual shares, “It elevated me, it lifted me, it brought me from a place where I didn’t care about myself or anything else, to caring about the people around me.” This sentiment reflects the transformative power of the work culture at Barts Electric, where personal development is as crucial as professional expertise.

Barts Electric

National Electrical Construction Contractor: Barts Electric is a prominent national electrical construction contractor, known for its commitment to excellence and fostering a supportive environment for its employees. The company’s emphasis on standards and personal growth is evident in the testimonials, showcasing a culture that values not only the work but also the well-being of its team members.

Opportunities for Electricians

For those aspiring to become electricians, Barts Electric is an ideal destination. The video emphasizes the company’s constant need for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen. Barts Electric serves as a platform for individuals to build their careers, providing a supportive environment for skill development and career advancement.

Skills Development

The video outlines the skills development process at Barts Electric, with a focus on running pipe and understanding electrical components. The emphasis on practical skills is a testament to the company’s commitment to equipping its team members with the tools they need to succeed. As one testimonial notes, “My goal for them kids is when they leave here, they’re going to be an asset to whoever they go help.”

Work Ethic and Punctuality

Barts Electric sets a high standard for its employees, emphasizing the importance of punctuality and a strong work ethic. Being on time is not just a requirement; it’s a reflection of the company’s commitment to excellence. The video stresses the value of showing up 15 minutes early, reinforcing the idea that on time is late and late is unacceptable.

Encouragement for Aspiring Electricians

For those starting their journey in the electrical industry, the video offers words of encouragement. Emphasizing the significance of being on time and showing up every day, it’s clear that Barts Electric believes in the power of consistency and dedication. The message is simple: with hustle and punctuality, aspiring electricians can overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Barts Electric’s commitment to fostering growth, providing opportunities, and maintaining high standards makes it a standout choice for electricians nationwide. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or someone starting their journey, Barts Electric offers a supportive environment where individuals can not only build their careers but also transform their lives.

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Place it for me. It elevated me, it lifted me, it brought me from a place where I didn’t care about myself or really anything else to caring about people around me. Still in the beginning, I wasn’t too worried about myself, but I wanted, I cared what you thought, I cared what Brett thought. It made a difference because I know that standard, and that’s our standard; that’s the standard we live.

My goal for those kids is when they leave here, they’re going to be an asset to whoever they go help. The first thing they’re going to be able to do is run pipe because that’s the first thing I was able to do. I was able to run pipe when they teach us to run pipe, and they teach you how to read an outlet, what an outlet is, or what a switch is. Now the guy can come, I can go, now I could, and that’s kind of why I’m approaching this. I remember when I was doing so; now they’re going to be able to go to a journeyman wherever he is. They may not be. I tell these kids out there that if, look, all you got right now to give is to be here ahead of time, don’t show up at seven o’clock. You show up 15 minutes before, at least because that’s on time. On time is late, and late is unacceptable. We just don’t do it.

But I tell them you got two things. You got being here on time, being here every day on time, and you got hustle. You really don’t know anything else but those two things. I promise you guys, if you’ll stick with it, if you give those two things why to start with, I promise it gets better, and you can go, and you’ll be able to do whatever it is you really want to do.

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Complete Video Transcript

Place it for me. It elevated me, it lifted me, it brought me from a place where I didn’t care about myself or really anything else to caring about people around me. Still in the beginning, I wasn’t too worried about myself, but I wanted, I cared what you thought, I cared what Brett thought. It made a difference because I know that standard, and that’s our standard; that’s the standard we live.

My goal for those kids is when they leave here, they’re going to be an asset to whoever they go help. The first thing they’re going to be able to do is run pipe because that’s the first thing I was able to do. I was able to run pipe when they teach us to run pipe, and they teach you how to read an outlet, what an outlet is, or what a switch is. Now the guy can come, I can go, now I could, and that’s kind of why I’m approaching this. I remember when I was doing so; now they’re going to be able to go to a journeyman wherever he is. They may not be. I tell these kids out there that if, look, all you got right now to give is to be here ahead of time, don’t show up at seven o’clock. You show up 15 minutes before, at least because that’s on time. On time is late, and late is unacceptable. We just don’t do it.

But I tell them you got two things. You got being here on time, being here every day on time, and you got hustle. You really don’t know anything else but those two things. I promise you guys, if you’ll stick with it, if you give those two things why to start with, I promise it gets better, and you can go, and you’ll be able to do whatever it is you really want to do.