Lighting the Path for Women in Electrical Trade (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, welcomes individuals passionate about construction, particularly those intrigued by the world of electrical work. Whether you’re an experienced journeyman or a budding apprentice, Barts Electric offers a dynamic environment for growth and learning. In this blog article, we delve into the firsthand experience of an individual who embarked on their journey with Barts Electric, showcasing the opportunities and excitement within the electrical industry.

Discovering Passion

The journey into the electrical field often starts with a spark of curiosity, much like the story of one individual who initially pursued carpentry in high school. Despite having family members entrenched in electrical work, this individual found their own path, driven by a love for construction and a desire to explore new horizons. Through conversations with peers and mentors, the allure of electrical work became irresistible, igniting a passion for learning and discovery.

Embracing Learning Opportunities

Upon joining Barts Electric, the individual delved headfirst into the world of electrical construction, eager to absorb knowledge and skills. From bending pipes to wiring outlets and switches, every task became an opportunity for growth and mastery. The hands-on nature of the program allowed for seamless adaptation, catering to individuals with varying levels of prior experience. Within the supportive environment of Barts Electric, collaboration thrived, with colleagues fostering a culture of mutual assistance and camaraderie.

Fostering Growth and Development

As the individual progresses in their journey, the prospect of achieving journeyman status and aspiring towards mastery looms on the horizon. Barts Electric not only provides avenues for skill acquisition but also cultivates a conducive environment for personal and professional development. Through continuous learning and shared experiences, individuals at Barts Electric evolve into proficient electricians, equipped to tackle challenges and contribute meaningfully to the industry.

Embarking on a career in electrical construction with Barts Electric offers more than just a job—it’s a journey filled with learning, growth, and camaraderie. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the field, Barts Electric welcomes individuals eager to explore the world of electrical work. With a commitment to excellence and a supportive community, Barts Electric paves the way for aspiring electricians to thrive and succeed in their chosen career path. Join Barts Electric today and illuminate your future in the electrical industry!

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Complete Video Transcript

My dad does electrical. I have several uncles who do electrical, but I started out doing carpentry in high school. I took a course for that. I really liked it. I’ve always liked construction and the fields in general. I have an uncle who works here, and I was just talking to lots of different people. I talked to my construction teacher, and I looked into several different fields. I thought electrical would be really fun to learn, and I was really excited to get started. I love learning new things, so I just jumped right into it.

So far, I’ve learned how to bend pipe, pull wire, just wire outlets, switches, and disconnect. I feel like I caught on pretty fast. I just really like wiring things, and I like lights. I like connecting lights because you can very much see what you’ve created and what you’ve put together. I think this program is really great. It gives you lots of opportunity to get your hands on things and also move at your own pace, whether you have previous knowledge of electrical or not. But I was able to easily adapt to this and pick up and go at my own pace.

Everyone is very friendly here, and we all get along. We help each other out, we grow and learn together. I feel like this is a really good career path, and I’m excited to get my journeyman and hopefully work up to Masters. That’s my goal in the end.

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My dad does electrical. I have several uncles who do electrical, but I started out doing carpentry in high school. I took a course for that. I really liked it. I’ve always liked construction and the fields in general. I have an uncle who works here, and I was just talking to lots of different people. I talked to my construction teacher, and I looked into several different fields. I thought electrical would be really fun to learn, and I was really excited to get started. I love learning new things, so I just jumped right into it.

So far, I’ve learned how to bend pipe, pull wire, just wire outlets, switches, and disconnect. I feel like I caught on pretty fast. I just really like wiring things, and I like lights. I like connecting lights because you can very much see what you’ve created and what you’ve put together. I think this program is really great. It gives you lots of opportunity to get your hands on things and also move at your own pace, whether you have previous knowledge of electrical or not. But I was able to easily adapt to this and pick up and go at my own pace.

Everyone is very friendly here, and we all get along. We help each other out, we grow and learn together. I feel like this is a really good career path, and I’m excited to get my journeyman and hopefully work up to Masters. That’s my goal in the end.