When “Tell Me More!” Turns into a Career That Pays More (Video)

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Are you looking for a career that offers stability, growth opportunities, and a supportive environment? Have you ever considered becoming an electrician? If so, Barts Electric might just be the place for you.

Barts Electric is a nationally recognized electrical construction contractor that prides itself on its merit-based approach to employment. In this blog article, we’ll delve into the experiences of individuals like you who have joined the Barts Electric family, offering insights into the world of electrical apprenticeship and the fulfilling journey it can provide.

Merit-Based Employment: A Path to Success

Imagine a workplace where your hard work and dedication are not only recognized but also rewarded. At Barts Electric, merit-based employment is more than just a concept; it’s a way of life. As one of our electricians, Caleb, can attest, the merit-based system at Barts Electric opens doors to numerous opportunities and bonuses, providing a clear path for career advancement.

Opportunities for Growth

Caleb’s journey with Barts Electric began just a few years ago, yet he has already witnessed significant personal and professional growth. From learning the basics of conduit bending to mastering complex wiring installations, Caleb’s experience highlights the unparalleled opportunities for growth available within the company.

Supportive Work Environment

One of the standout features of Barts Electric is its supportive work environment. Newcomers like Caleb are welcomed with open arms by seasoned professionals who are eager to share their knowledge and expertise. Whether it’s asking for guidance on a particular task or seeking advice on career development, there’s always someone willing to lend a helping hand at Barts Electric.

Joining the Barts Electric Family

Embarking on a career in electrical apprenticeship can be daunting, especially for those with limited experience in the field. However, as Caleb discovered, the transition to life at Barts Electric was surprisingly smooth. Within just a few weeks, he found himself not only learning new skills but also forging meaningful connections with his colleagues. At Barts Electric, there’s no pressure to get everything right the first time; instead, there’s a genuine commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a sense of belonging.

If you’re passionate about pursuing a career in the electrical industry, consider joining the Barts Electric family. With a merit-based approach to employment, unparalleled opportunities for growth, and a supportive work environment, Barts Electric offers everything you need to thrive as an electrician. Whether you’re a seasoned journeyman or a newcomer to the field, there’s a place for you at Barts Electric. Join us today and embark on a journey that promises both personal and professional fulfillment.

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My buddy Caleb, he works here. We were actually at a little get-together, a little party thing. I was talking to him. I was like, “I don’t think what floor is going on to do, I don’t think it’s going to do, couldn’t provide for the long run,” and he was like, “I just got a big bonus,” and I was like, “Tell me more,” and he was like, “It’s a merit-based shop,” and I was like, “I like, I like the sound of that.”

So he was telling me about how it was Merit based. He was telling me about all the opportunities and bonuses and everything with that, and then how the growth, the opportunity for growth, and how he’s only been here for two and a half, three years maybe, and how much he’s already grown, and that, and I was like, “That sounds like something I can do for the long run.”

Starting out, I’ve never been conduit before. I never did any, I never did most of the stuff. And so we came in here, bent 90s, bent offsets, a lot of stuff, and then went ahead and wired it. I’ve never wired anything before. I maybe done a couple of different things, but nothing like this. I never ran it all the way through.

He had me put up all seven bins plus a couple more and then connect everything. So that’s what we’ve been working on for the most part is wiring and bending. It was actually really easy. Coming in, I didn’t know anything, and I was a little worried, but we clicked pretty quickly.

I can call these guys my friends now, and it’s only been a couple of weeks. It’s been good. The older guys, they jumped right in. The people that are, I’ve been in the shop for however long, I don’t feel uncomfortable going up and asking them for something. It’s been pretty easy to adjust and get along with everybody.

There’s no pressure. I’ve been in trades for a while, and it’s sometimes that there’s people you’re around, it feels like you got to get everything right the first time and or they’re going to get mad, they’re going to think differently or whatever. Here, it just felt like they were willing to take their time with you and so it was, it was nice and it was just feels like comfortable.

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My buddy Caleb, he works here. We were actually at a little get-together, a little party thing. I was talking to him. I was like, “I don’t think what floor is going on to do, I don’t think it’s going to do, couldn’t provide for the long run,” and he was like, “I just got a big bonus,” and I was like, “Tell me more,” and he was like, “It’s a merit-based shop,” and I was like, “I like, I like the sound of that.”

So he was telling me about how it was Merit based. He was telling me about all the opportunities and bonuses and everything with that, and then how the growth, the opportunity for growth, and how he’s only been here for two and a half, three years maybe, and how much he’s already grown, and that, and I was like, “That sounds like something I can do for the long run.”

Starting out, I’ve never been conduit before. I never did any, I never did most of the stuff. And so we came in here, bent 90s, bent offsets, a lot of stuff, and then went ahead and wired it. I’ve never wired anything before. I maybe done a couple of different things, but nothing like this. I never ran it all the way through.

He had me put up all seven bins plus a couple more and then connect everything. So that’s what we’ve been working on for the most part is wiring and bending. It was actually really easy. Coming in, I didn’t know anything, and I was a little worried, but we clicked pretty quickly.

I can call these guys my friends now, and it’s only been a couple of weeks. It’s been good. The older guys, they jumped right in. The people that are, I’ve been in the shop for however long, I don’t feel uncomfortable going up and asking them for something. It’s been pretty easy to adjust and get along with everybody.

There’s no pressure. I’ve been in trades for a while, and it’s sometimes that there’s people you’re around, it feels like you got to get everything right the first time and or they’re going to get mad, they’re going to think differently or whatever. Here, it just felt like they were willing to take their time with you and so it was, it was nice and it was just feels like comfortable.