Robbie’s Story – Part 2 (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, has been shaping the careers of electricians for years. In this article, we delve into the transformative journey of one electrician, Robbie, who embraced the opportunities provided by Barts Electric to advance his career. Whether you’re an experienced journeyman or aspiring to become an electrician, Barts Electric has a plan for you.

Barts Electric’s Commitment

At Barts Electric, the commitment to employee growth is evident in every step of the way. The company believes in laying out a clear path for its employees, enabling them to achieve their career goals. Robbie’s success story is just one example of how Barts Electric’s vision becomes a reality for those who follow their map.

Opportunity Over Money

Robbie’s journey began when he was singled out during a safety meeting by a Barts Electric representative. Recognizing Robbie’s potential, he was presented with a crucial decision: chase immediate monetary gains or pursue an opportunity to advance his career. The emphasis was not just on the present but on the long-term benefits.

Robbie’s Choice

Taking the advice seriously, Robbie consulted with an important figure in his life, his father. The wisdom imparted by his father highlighted the choice between looking at the money in the short term versus envisioning the potential earnings in the next decade. Robbie opted to chase an opportunity that would lead to a more promising future.

Learning from Thomas Miller

Barts Electric is more than just a workplace; it’s a community that fosters learning and growth. Robbie was encouraged to learn from Thomas Miller, a seasoned professional in the field. Despite not knowing Thomas initially, Robbie’s experience working with him proved to be invaluable. The exposure to unique projects and the chance to collaborate with industry experts added depth to Robbie’s skill set.

The Once-in-a-Lifetime Job

Robbie’s journey took an exciting turn when he had the opportunity to work on a project that is considered almost once-in-a-lifetime. This experience not only showcased his technical skills but also allowed him to step back from the daily grind, providing a fresh perspective and a chance to reevaluate his career goals.

Barts Electric Is Hiring

For those considering a career in electrical construction, Barts Electric is always on the lookout for new apprentices and experienced journeymen. The company’s commitment to fostering talent is unwavering, and if you’re willing to embrace the opportunities they provide, a fulfilling career could be in your future.

Barts Electric is not just a company; it’s a partner in your career journey. Robbie’s success story exemplifies the commitment of Barts Electric to guide and support electricians in reaching their full potential. Whether you’re just starting or looking to advance, consider joining Barts Electric for a career that goes beyond the ordinary.

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Here we are, Robbie. We’re three years later, and you and I are sitting across a table. I’m so proud of you; I’m excited about your outcome, excited about where you’re at. When you and I met three years ago, I had a plan for you, just like I have for every one of my employees. I can see where they can go if they follow the Barts Electric map, the plan that can get you there, and embrace everything that we offer.

Three years later, I’d like you to tell me where you are now. Do you believe it? Did it all work out for you?

Yeah, everything worked out perfectly, exactly the way you said it was going to. I’ll start back where we began this. There was a day during a safety meeting; you called me out by name after it was over. You said, “Call me.” So, I called you, and you said, “I’m gonna give you an opportunity. You can either chase the dollar or chase an opportunity to advance your career. Don’t make a decision right now, but I want you to go home and talk to your dad about it.”

My dad’s a very important piece of my life; I talk to him daily. Getting advice from him is one of the better things in my life. He finally said, “Look, you can either look at the money right now or look at the money you could be making in 10 years from now.” So, at that point, I decided to chase an opportunity instead of chasing a dollar. I could have gone to Washington, made good money for a couple of years, and then I’d have been right back in Kansas City, right where I started.

You said, “I want you to go down and learn from Thomas Miller.” I had no idea who Thomas was; I’d heard about him a couple of times. I got to meet some great people out there, got the opportunity to work on a job that’s almost a once-in-a-lifetime job. I saw some really cool stuff and took some time away from all the things that had been bearing me down for so long to gather my thoughts and figure out what I needed.

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Complete Video Transcript

Here we are, Robbie. We’re three years later, and you and I are sitting across a table. I’m so proud of you; I’m excited about your outcome, excited about where you’re at. When you and I met three years ago, I had a plan for you, just like I have for every one of my employees. I can see where they can go if they follow the Barts Electric map, the plan that can get you there, and embrace everything that we offer.

Three years later, I’d like you to tell me where you are now. Do you believe it? Did it all work out for you?

Yeah, everything worked out perfectly, exactly the way you said it was going to. I’ll start back where we began this. There was a day during a safety meeting; you called me out by name after it was over. You said, “Call me.” So, I called you, and you said, “I’m gonna give you an opportunity. You can either chase the dollar or chase an opportunity to advance your career. Don’t make a decision right now, but I want you to go home and talk to your dad about it.”

My dad’s a very important piece of my life; I talk to him daily. Getting advice from him is one of the better things in my life. He finally said, “Look, you can either look at the money right now or look at the money you could be making in 10 years from now.” So, at that point, I decided to chase an opportunity instead of chasing a dollar. I could have gone to Washington, made good money for a couple of years, and then I’d have been right back in Kansas City, right where I started.

You said, “I want you to go down and learn from Thomas Miller.” I had no idea who Thomas was; I’d heard about him a couple of times. I got to meet some great people out there, got the opportunity to work on a job that’s almost a once-in-a-lifetime job. I saw some really cool stuff and took some time away from all the things that had been bearing me down for so long to gather my thoughts and figure out what I needed.