Red Hat Success (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, is paving the way for aspiring electricians and those looking to embark on a rewarding career in the electrical industry. In this blog article, we delve into the behind-the-scenes world of Barts Electric through the eyes of a new apprentice. Discover the hands-on experience, training programs, and opportunities that make Barts Electric a preferred choice for both electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen.

The Prefab Work at Barts Electric

The heart of Barts Electric’s operations lies in their prefab work. In a recently released video, a new apprentice shares insights into the preparation process before the job site. The apprentices engage in pulling and pushing wires through conduits, carefully folding them down. The ultimate goal is to connect and bundle these components efficiently before shipping them out to the job site. This proactive approach ensures a streamlined construction process, saving time and resources.

The Apprentice Experience

The apprentice, now in their second week at Barts Electric, expresses enthusiasm for the learning experience. Starting the apprentice program is a significant milestone, marking the beginning of comprehensive training. The hands-on involvement in bending conduit, running wires, and hooking up receptacles during the initial weeks provides a valuable introduction to the trade.

Recognition for First-Year Apprentices

The apprentice proudly dons a red hat, a distinctive mark for first-year apprentices at Barts Electric. This serves as a visual cue on the job site, alerting foremen and colleagues to the apprentice’s status. The purpose is clear – to ensure that first-year apprentices are not assigned tasks beyond their current skill level, fostering a supportive and constructive learning environment.

A Career, Not Just a Job

What sets Barts Electric apart is its commitment to offering more than just employment; it offers a career path. The apprentice highlights the excitement of being part of a profession where learning is a daily occurrence. The prospect of a lifelong career, coupled with the opportunity to acquire new skills continually, distinguishes Barts Electric as a company invested in the professional growth of its employees.

Join Barts Electric

For individuals considering a career in electrical construction, Barts Electric presents itself as a dynamic and welcoming workplace. The company is actively seeking new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join its team. Whether you are just starting your journey in the electrical field or bringing years of expertise, Barts Electric provides an environment that encourages growth, learning, and long-term career development.

Barts Electric’s commitment to excellence, hands-on training, and opportunities for career advancement make it an ideal choice for electricians and those aspiring to become part of the electrical construction industry. Embark on a fulfilling journey with Barts Electric and be part of a team that values continuous learning, professionalism, and the pursuit of excellence in electrical construction.

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This is the prefab work. We’re getting these ready for the job site. We’re just pulling and pushing this wire through to the other end, then folding it down. At the end, we’ll take all these and connect them together, then get them all bundled up and shipped out to the job site so they don’t have to do it all there.

This is actually my second week, and so far, so good. I like it a lot. I’m learning a lot. I start school today for the apprentice program, so I’m pretty excited about that.

But yeah, it’s all in all a great time so far—bending conduit, running wire, and hooking up the receptacles. Over there, my first week, that’s what we did, and that was kind of all pretty new to me because I’ve never done anything like this before. I really like doing that. The paint job kind of chipped off on them a little bit, but the red hat is for all the first-year apprentices for Barts Electric. They put that on so whenever you’re at the job site, a foreman or anybody else will know that it’s your first year. This way, they won’t assign you to something too much for you to handle, pretty much, I think is what that’s for.

I’m excited because this is a career job, not just a job that I’m working to make some money. This is something I can do for the rest of my life and something I can learn new stuff every day with

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Complete Video Transcript

This is the prefab work. We’re getting these ready for the job site. We’re just pulling and pushing this wire through to the other end, then folding it down. At the end, we’ll take all these and connect them together, then get them all bundled up and shipped out to the job site so they don’t have to do it all there.

This is actually my second week, and so far, so good. I like it a lot. I’m learning a lot. I start school today for the apprentice program, so I’m pretty excited about that.

But yeah, it’s all in all a great time so far—bending conduit, running wire, and hooking up the receptacles. Over there, my first week, that’s what we did, and that was kind of all pretty new to me because I’ve never done anything like this before. I really like doing that. The paint job kind of chipped off on them a little bit, but the red hat is for all the first-year apprentices for Barts Electric. They put that on so whenever you’re at the job site, a foreman or anybody else will know that it’s your first year. This way, they won’t assign you to something too much for you to handle, pretty much, I think is what that’s for.

I’m excited because this is a career job, not just a job that I’m working to make some money. This is something I can do for the rest of my life and something I can learn new stuff every day with