Barts Electric – Teaching the Fundamentals (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, stands out for its dedication to training and developing its employees. In this article, we’ll explore how Barts Electric invests time in the initial training of its electricians, providing valuable insights for both seasoned journeymen and aspiring apprentices.

The Importance of Training

For many electricians, starting a new job can be a daunting experience. At Barts Electric, however, a unique training program sets the company apart. Unlike the common practice of immediately sending new hires to job sites, Barts Electric believes in equipping its employees with essential skills right from the beginning.

Structured Training Program

Upon joining Barts Electric, employees undergo a comprehensive training program within their first 30 days. This program focuses on fundamental aspects of electrical work, such as bending pipe and pulling wire. By providing this training in a controlled environment, Barts Electric ensures that its electricians gain confidence and proficiency in basic skills before stepping onto a dynamic job site.

Advantages of Early Training

The benefits of Barts Electric’s approach become evident when employees transition from training to on-site work. Electricians who have completed the program are better prepared to tackle real-world challenges. They bring a foundational understanding of the basics, reducing the likelihood of frustration from older and more experienced colleagues.

Preventing Frustration on the Job Site

The frustration of seasoned electricians with new hires is a common challenge in the industry. Barts Electric’s commitment to early training aims to address this issue. By arming electricians with essential skills and knowledge before they hit the job site, the company minimizes the potential for misunderstandings and frustrations. This proactive approach fosters a collaborative and supportive working environment.

Opportunities for Aspiring Electricians

For those aspiring to become electricians, Barts Electric is an attractive option. The company is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices. This commitment to hiring and training the next generation of electricians reflects Barts Electric’s dedication to building a skilled workforce.

Joining Barts Electric

Whether you’re an experienced journeyman looking for new opportunities or an aspiring electrician eager to learn, Barts Electric welcomes individuals with a passion for the trade. The company’s emphasis on training and development ensures that employees receive the support they need to excel in their careers.

Barts Electric’s investment in training and development not only sets its employees up for success but also contributes to the overall growth of the electrical construction industry. By prioritizing foundational skills and creating a positive learning environment, Barts Electric continues to be a top choice for electricians nationwide. If you’re looking to advance your career or start a rewarding journey in the electrical field, consider joining Barts Electric – where expertise meets opportunity.

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Complete Video Transcript

One of the things that I like about Barts Electric is the amount of time that they put in training their employees on the front end. I think most apprentices and new hires in most companies are just going to get sent out to a job site on day one and then just kind of muddle along. Hopefully, somebody takes you under their wing, and you are taught.

Here, they have a program that they run you through in the first 30 days when you’re hired. You get taught to bend pipe and pull wire, along with a lot of the basics before you ever walk out of this kind of static atmosphere. This approach is really nice because, on day one at a job site, you already have some basic training. This means you won’t have older and more experienced guys who are frustrated with you right out the door just because you’re brand new and don’t know what’s going on.

This training is a real nice thing, a real advantage, I feel, to Barts Electric

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Complete Video Transcript

One of the things that I like about Barts Electric is the amount of time that they put in training their employees on the front end. I think most apprentices and new hires in most companies are just going to get sent out to a job site on day one and then just kind of muddle along. Hopefully, somebody takes you under their wing, and you are taught.

Here, they have a program that they run you through in the first 30 days when you’re hired. You get taught to bend pipe and pull wire, along with a lot of the basics before you ever walk out of this kind of static atmosphere. This approach is really nice because, on day one at a job site, you already have some basic training. This means you won’t have older and more experienced guys who are frustrated with you right out the door just because you’re brand new and don’t know what’s going on.

This training is a real nice thing, a real advantage, I feel, to Barts Electric