Growing as an Individual (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, is not just a workplace – it’s a platform for growth and personal development. In this blog article, we will delve into the experiences of electricians, both apprentices and experienced journeymen, sharing their insights into how working at Barts Electric has not only shaped their professional careers but also contributed to their personal growth as individuals, parents, and partners.

The Impact on Professional Development

For those aspiring to become electricians or currently navigating the early stages of their careers, Barts Electric provides a rich learning environment. Safety is paramount, and apprentices quickly grasp the essential principles that come with the trade. The apprenticeship program is designed to nurture skills, instill best practices, and prepare individuals for the challenges of the electrical industry.

The Journey of an Apprentice

Take, for instance, the experience of an apprentice who has spent a year and a half at Barts Electric. In his own words, he emphasizes the profound impact on his life, not just as an electrician but as an individual. The exposure to the intricacies of the job has equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of safety protocols and the fundamental principles of electrical work.

Personal Growth Beyond the Job

What sets Barts Electric apart is its commitment to holistic development. This apprentice shares how his time at Barts Electric has not only honed his skills as an electrician but has also catalyzed personal growth. As a father, husband, and person, he acknowledges the positive changes in his life. The experience has taught him to plan effectively – not only for work-related tasks but also for personal goals spanning short-term and long-term objectives.

Planning for the Future

One of the standout features of the journey with Barts Electric is the emphasis on goal-setting. Electricians are encouraged to plan for their future, envisioning accomplishments not only within the scope of their careers but extending to their family and personal aspirations. The apprentice expresses gratitude for the role Barts Electric has played in paving the way for his goals and ambitions, providing a roadmap for both professional and personal achievements.

Career Opportunities at Barts Electric

As a national electrical construction contractor, Barts Electric is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen. The company’s commitment to growth extends beyond the individual to the entire team, creating a supportive community where everyone can thrive in their careers.

Barts Electric stands out as more than just a workplace – it is a transformative space where electricians evolve not only in their professional capacities but also as individuals. The company’s dedication to safety, principles, and personal growth creates an environment that fosters success and fulfillment. For those aspiring to join the electrical industry or seeking new opportunities, Barts Electric is more than a career choice; it’s a journey toward a brighter, empowered future.

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So, I’ve been here about a year and a half now. I’m an apprentice; it’s my first time being an electrician. Here at Bart’s Electric, I think the thing that’s most important to me, you know, that’s impacted my life is growing as an individual.

Obviously, I’ve learned a lot in a year and a half about being an electrician – the safety that comes with it, the principles that come with it, and just the job in general. But more importantly for me, I’ve grown as a father. I’ve grown as a husband. I’ve grown as a person. I’ve learned better how to plan for things, you know, not just the job but things in my life – goals I want to achieve in the next year, the next five years, the next 10, 20, 30, you know, and so on. So, it’s helped pave a way for things I want to accomplish, you know, things eventually I want my kids to accomplish.

I’m really grateful for Bart’s Electric for that.

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So, I’ve been here about a year and a half now. I’m an apprentice; it’s my first time being an electrician. Here at Bart’s Electric, I think the thing that’s most important to me, you know, that’s impacted my life is growing as an individual.

Obviously, I’ve learned a lot in a year and a half about being an electrician – the safety that comes with it, the principles that come with it, and just the job in general. But more importantly for me, I’ve grown as a father. I’ve grown as a husband. I’ve grown as a person. I’ve learned better how to plan for things, you know, not just the job but things in my life – goals I want to achieve in the next year, the next five years, the next 10, 20, 30, you know, and so on. So, it’s helped pave a way for things I want to accomplish, you know, things eventually I want my kids to accomplish.

I’m really grateful for Bart’s Electric for that.