Built at Barts – I Wouldn’t Be Where I am Without Barts (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, is not just a company; it’s a pathway to personal and professional development for electricians and aspiring individuals seeking a fulfilling career in the electrical industry. In this article, we explore the inspiring journey of one individual who found his place at Barts Electric, highlighting the company’s commitment to its employees’ growth and the continuous opportunities available for both electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen.

A Personal Journey with Barts Electric

The featured individual embarked on his journey with Barts Electric in 2018, marking the beginning of a transformative experience. After dedicating a year and a half to the company, he explored opportunities elsewhere but soon realized the unique value and growth potential Barts Electric offered. Despite a brief hiatus, the company welcomed him back with open arms when personal circumstances brought him back to his hometown in February.

Barts Electric’s Impact on Personal and Professional Growth

Reflecting on his time with Barts Electric, our interviewee credits the company with shaping not only his professional skills but also his work ethic, logical reasoning, and overall efficiency. The supportive environment at Barts Electric has enabled him to become more adaptable and quick on his feet, essential qualities for success in the dynamic field of electrical construction.

Distinguishing Factors of Barts Electric

What sets Barts Electric apart from other companies in the industry? According to our interviewee, it’s the company’s unwavering commitment to pushing limits and constantly seeking new challenges. Unlike some competitors who may stay within their comfort zones, Barts Electric actively pursues growth opportunities and takes on projects that challenge the status quo.

Opportunities for Advancement

Barts Electric not only provides a platform for hands-on experience in the field but also encourages employees to envision long-term career paths. The interviewee expresses a desire to become a foreman, showcasing Barts Electric’s commitment to nurturing leadership skills within its workforce. Moreover, the company offers opportunities to explore roles in the office, such as bookkeeping, materials management, and estimating.

The Journey Ahead

Looking toward the future, our interviewee aspires to be the go-to person for Barts Electric, ready to tackle any task assigned to him. Whether working in the office or operating heavy machinery in the field, he aims to contribute his skills wherever the company needs him most.

Join Barts Electric: Opportunities Await!

For electricians and those aspiring to enter the electrical construction industry, Barts Electric is more than just a workplace—it’s a launchpad for a fulfilling and dynamic career. The company’s commitment to growth, continuous learning, and a supportive work environment make it an ideal choice for both electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen.

If you’re ready to be part of a nationally recognized electrical construction contractor that values your journey and invests in your success, consider joining Barts Electric. With a constant need for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen, the opportunities are limitless at Barts Electric. Your journey to a brighter future starts here!

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I started at Barts Electric in 2018 for a little while, worked for about a year and a half, and then I jumped to another company for a little while. My wife wanted to move back home, so Barts happily took me back, and I’ve been working with them since February.

I really don’t think I’d be where I am today without Barts. Barts has truly set the path for me to change my life. I have learned quite a bit, from my work ethic to logic and reasoning. I am now a lot more on my feet and a lot faster than I used to be.

I can take everything that I’ve learned from Barts, and I can say that it has helped build me into who I am today, along with my desires and aspirations. I went and worked for another company to be a little closer to home, and they had their schooling program. However, it was right before COVID hit. The company had been around for like 70 years, so they’ve been at it a lot longer, but they weren’t really pushing the boundaries to grow any bigger. They were staying in their comfort zone.

One thing I like about Barts is that they’re always pushing the limit and trying to get jobs. I would eventually like to be a foreman and maybe even work in the office. I want to learn more about bookkeeping, materials, estimating—estimating even looks cool. But ultimately, I want to be the person that Barts can call upon to do whatever they need. If they need me to work in the office, I’ll work in the office. If they need me out in the field running an excavator, I can do that too.

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I started at Barts Electric in 2018 for a little while, worked for about a year and a half, and then I jumped to another company for a little while. My wife wanted to move back home, so Barts happily took me back, and I’ve been working with them since February.

I really don’t think I’d be where I am today without Barts. Barts has truly set the path for me to change my life. I have learned quite a bit, from my work ethic to logic and reasoning. I am now a lot more on my feet and a lot faster than I used to be.

I can take everything that I’ve learned from Barts, and I can say that it has helped build me into who I am today, along with my desires and aspirations. I went and worked for another company to be a little closer to home, and they had their schooling program. However, it was right before COVID hit. The company had been around for like 70 years, so they’ve been at it a lot longer, but they weren’t really pushing the boundaries to grow any bigger. They were staying in their comfort zone.

One thing I like about Barts is that they’re always pushing the limit and trying to get jobs. I would eventually like to be a foreman and maybe even work in the office. I want to learn more about bookkeeping, materials, estimating—estimating even looks cool. But ultimately, I want to be the person that Barts can call upon to do whatever they need. If they need me to work in the office, I’ll work in the office. If they need me out in the field running an excavator, I can do that too.