Built at Barts: Camaraderie and Mentorship Make the Difference (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, is making waves in the industry by providing valuable opportunities for electricians and those aspiring to join the field. In this blog article, we delve into the insights shared by a dedicated apprentice at Barts Electric, shedding light on the company’s commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a strong sense of camaraderie.

Meet the Apprentice

The featured apprentice, with nearly three years of experience at Barts Electric, takes us behind the scenes of their journey. Having started in the service department at the beginning of 2020, the apprentice emphasizes the growth and learning they’ve experienced while working on various projects.

Growth Amid Challenges

Navigating the challenges of entering the workforce during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the apprentice expresses gratitude for the opportunity to join Barts Electric. Despite the initial uncertainties, the apprentice found themselves on job sites, honing their electrical skills under the mentorship of seasoned professionals.

The Mentorship of Barts Electric

One notable mentor mentioned in the video is Boris, who played a pivotal role in the apprentice’s development. From imparting technical knowledge to instilling a strong work ethic, Boris guided the apprentice on what to do and, equally important, what not to do. The mentorship extended beyond the technical aspects, shaping the apprentice into a skilled electrician and a disciplined worker.

Camaraderie at Barts Electric

The apprentice draws parallels between their military background and the camaraderie experienced at Barts Electric. Emphasizing the importance of teamwork, the apprentice appreciates the supportive environment fostered by the company. This sense of camaraderie, reminiscent of their military experience, adds a unique dimension to their work at Barts Electric.

Transitioning Careers

Sharing insights into their career choices, the apprentice reveals that, upon leaving the military, they initially considered a career in plumbing. However, fate led them to Barts Electric, where they found a perfect fit in the electrical trade. Expressing gratitude for the decision, the apprentice highlights the positive experience of working in a dynamic and challenging field.

Opportunities at Barts Electric

For those seeking a career in electrical construction, Barts Electric presents itself as an employer of choice. The company actively recruits both electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen, providing a platform for continuous growth and development in the electrical industry.

Barts Electric stands out not only as a national electrical construction contractor but also as a hub for learning, growth, and camaraderie within the electrical trade. This testimonial from a dedicated apprentice showcases the company’s commitment to shaping skilled electricians and fostering a positive and supportive work environment. Whether you’re a seasoned journeyman or someone looking to embark on a career in electricity, Barts Electric offers a promising pathway to a bright future in the electrical construction industry.

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I’m at the service department. I started here in the beginning of 2020, so I’ve almost been working here for three years. I’m still an apprentice, and I’m starting my third year here next month.

I’m running this job at Aspen Dental. We did the shelves for a new build, and we did the shell. Now, we’re doing the TI finish, which is an Aspen Dental, and it’s moving along pretty quickly for being a small job. Nice.

Barts Electric has built me. When I started, I began in the height of COVID, so I was lucky to actually get a job, get on a job site, and start doing electrical work. I’ve been on a couple of jobs with him, and he’s really grown me to be the electrician I am today. He showed me what to do, what not to do, and how to be a great electrician and a proficient worker.

I have a military background, so out of the military, I came into here. There’s a lot of camaraderie with Barts Electric, which I enjoy. I enjoyed that in the military. I like that it’s still a thing in the civilian world because I hadn’t had a civilian job until Barts Electric. It was a huge change from what I came from, but I’m excited to continue to work here.

When I was getting out, I wanted to do a trade. I wasn’t looking at becoming an electrician; I was actually considering being a plumber. Thank goodness I didn’t do that. I saw Barts Electric was hiring online, so I sent in my application. I got a call the next day, and that’s where I started. I’ve enjoyed every day, and I really enjoy being an electrician.

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Complete Video Transcript

I’m at the service department. I started here in the beginning of 2020, so I’ve almost been working here for three years. I’m still an apprentice, and I’m starting my third year here next month.

I’m running this job at Aspen Dental. We did the shelves for a new build, and we did the shell. Now, we’re doing the TI finish, which is an Aspen Dental, and it’s moving along pretty quickly for being a small job. Nice.

Barts Electric has built me. When I started, I began in the height of COVID, so I was lucky to actually get a job, get on a job site, and start doing electrical work. I’ve been on a couple of jobs with him, and he’s really grown me to be the electrician I am today. He showed me what to do, what not to do, and how to be a great electrician and a proficient worker.

I have a military background, so out of the military, I came into here. There’s a lot of camaraderie with Barts Electric, which I enjoy. I enjoyed that in the military. I like that it’s still a thing in the civilian world because I hadn’t had a civilian job until Barts Electric. It was a huge change from what I came from, but I’m excited to continue to work here.

When I was getting out, I wanted to do a trade. I wasn’t looking at becoming an electrician; I was actually considering being a plumber. Thank goodness I didn’t do that. I saw Barts Electric was hiring online, so I sent in my application. I got a call the next day, and that’s where I started. I’ve enjoyed every day, and I really enjoy being an electrician.