Women Can Do This Too (Video)

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Barts Electric, a renowned national electrical construction contractor, stands at the forefront of empowering individuals to pursue rewarding careers in the electrical industry. This blog article delves into the company’s commitment to fostering growth, sharing insights from a recent video featuring the experiences of electricians within the Barts Electric family. Whether you are an experienced journeyman or someone aspiring to become an electrician, this article provides valuable information about the opportunities and culture at Barts Electric.

A Culture of Inclusivity

The video opens with a powerful statement about the camaraderie and inclusivity felt by electricians at Barts Electric. The speaker expresses the importance of feeling like “one of the guys” while also acknowledging that women can excel in this field. Barts Electric recognizes the diversity within its workforce, creating an environment where everyone can thrive and contribute their unique skills to the team.

Patience and Mentorship

One key attribute emphasized by the electricians in the video is the need for patience in the electrical industry. Training new recruits, especially those fresh to a construction site, requires a considerable amount of patience and dedication. Barts Electric takes pride in its mentorship programs, where experienced electricians guide and support apprentices in learning the ropes of the trade. This commitment to mentorship not only ensures the development of essential skills but also fosters a sense of accomplishment as electricians witness the growth of their mentees.

The Joy of Watching Others Grow

A standout theme in the video is the satisfaction derived from watching others grow within the company. The speaker expresses the desire to see fellow team members flourish and takes pride in having played a role in their development. This aspect of the Barts Electric experience underscores the company’s investment in its employees, not just as workers but as individuals with the potential to make meaningful contributions to the industry.

Opportunities for Aspiring Electricians

For those considering a career in electrical construction, Barts Electric is an excellent place to start and thrive. The company is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices who are eager to learn and contribute to the industry. Additionally, experienced journeymen seeking new challenges and opportunities are welcomed to join the Barts Electric family.

Barts Electric’s commitment to creating a diverse and supportive work environment shines through in this insightful video. The emphasis on patience, mentorship, and the joy of watching others grow highlights the company’s dedication to the personal and professional development of its employees. Whether you’re a seasoned journeyman or someone looking to embark on a career in electrical construction, consider Barts Electric as your gateway to a fulfilling and rewarding future in the electrical industry.

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Complete Video Transcript

Having a whole week, I don’t know, I feel like you kind of want to feel like you’re one of the guys. Like, you’re not doing anything special because, yeah, women can do this too, but it is also good that you have a week spotlighting. I think it takes a lot of patience, being able to show someone the ropes. Like, I was fresh into this, never worked on a construction site or anything. So having the patience, showing them what needs to be done, I just want to be able to see other people grow. Watch them grow and be like, “Yeah, I trained that person. I showed them the ropes.” I think that’d be pretty cool.

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Complete Video Transcript

Having a whole week, I don’t know, I feel like you kind of want to feel like you’re one of the guys. Like, you’re not doing anything special because, yeah, women can do this too, but it is also good that you have a week spotlighting. I think it takes a lot of patience, being able to show someone the ropes. Like, I was fresh into this, never worked on a construction site or anything. So having the patience, showing them what needs to be done, I just want to be able to see other people grow. Watch them grow and be like, “Yeah, I trained that person. I showed them the ropes.” I think that’d be pretty cool.