Team Talk with Bart Walker Ep.1 (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, is not just about wiring buildings and connecting circuits; it’s about fostering a culture that values safety, integrity, and family. In this blog article, we will delve into a recent video transcript that highlights the importance of a strong company culture at Barts Electric. This information is not only for seasoned electricians but also for those aspiring to join the electrical profession.

The Story of Values in Action

The video begins with a gripping anecdote that captures the essence of Barts Electric’s commitment to its values. A daring incident involving an individual who, despite a potentially dangerous situation, manages to uphold the company’s principles is shared. This story sets the stage for a broader discussion on the significance of values in the workplace.

Promoting a Family Culture

Barts Electric emphasizes the importance of a family-like atmosphere within the company. The speaker in the video mentions the need for a positive and supportive environment where employees can thrive without fear of judgment or negativity. This is not just an abstract concept – it translates into practical policies and behaviors that promote the well-being of every team member.

Hiring Opportunities for Electricians

For those looking to embark on a career in electrical work, Barts Electric is a promising employer. The company is actively seeking new electrical apprentices as well as experienced journeymen. This commitment to hiring reflects the company’s growth and its dedication to providing opportunities for professionals at all levels of expertise.

Values-Driven Leadership

The speaker in the video stresses the importance of leadership that upholds correct principles. At Barts Electric, it’s not just about the technical skills; it’s about living and teaching values that ensure a safe and inclusive workplace. The emphasis on correct principles goes beyond the professional realm, extending into personal lives and social interactions.

Safety as a Core Principle

One of the key aspects highlighted in the video is the correlation between safety and the company’s values. Barts Electric believes that a commitment to safety is not just a policy but a way of life. The example given in the video underscores the consequences of compromising safety – a stark reminder of why adherence to correct principles is crucial.

Barts Electric is not just a national electrical construction contractor; it is a community that values each member’s safety, well-being, and professional growth. For electricians and those aspiring to join the field, Barts Electric offers a unique environment where correct principles are not just preached but lived. If you’re seeking a workplace that feels like family and prioritizes safety, consider joining the Barts Electric team – a place where values are the foundation of success.

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Complete Video Transcript

I’m sitting there thinking, holy cow, this is going to be interesting. But he’s picking up speed, and as he’s picking up speed, we’re thinking, oh crap, he is getting closer than we were way up here. But he’s getting closer around; he’s just going faster and faster and faster and faster. He hits the railing, stops, falls down to the ground, and jumps up. And guess what he does? You guys have all seen him. Guess what he did when he jumped up? Still had his beers. He didn’t even drop his beers. He still had them.

Anyway, after I saw that, I said, “Okay, we got to get some good values in our company. If you come into Barts Electric and you hear Bart talking about you, and others talking about you or knocking you down or telling lies or telling stories about you, it’s probably not a good family culture, is it?”

And so, our culture—you can’t have a smorgasbord where you say, “Daryl, it’s okay to drink, but we gotta still act like this because we know if you do this, most likely you’re going to be the guy flipping down the stairs, and there’s going to be a story to tell, or somebody’s going to get killed on the way home because we let one of our guys drink.”

But when you look at this culture of family culture, when you teach and live correct principles, it’s safe for everybody, right? Everybody, we teach correct principles that are safe. If we’re teaching correct principles in a safe environment, that means you can bring your family to the Christmas party, you can bring your family to the campout, you can bring your family to the company. You can bring your kids to “Bring Your Kid to Work Day,” and you can trust if.

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Complete Video Transcript

I’m sitting there thinking, holy cow, this is going to be interesting. But he’s picking up speed, and as he’s picking up speed, we’re thinking, oh crap, he is getting closer than we were way up here. But he’s getting closer around; he’s just going faster and faster and faster and faster. He hits the railing, stops, falls down to the ground, and jumps up. And guess what he does? You guys have all seen him. Guess what he did when he jumped up? Still had his beers. He didn’t even drop his beers. He still had them.

Anyway, after I saw that, I said, “Okay, we got to get some good values in our company. If you come into Barts Electric and you hear Bart talking about you, and others talking about you or knocking you down or telling lies or telling stories about you, it’s probably not a good family culture, is it?”

And so, our culture—you can’t have a smorgasbord where you say, “Daryl, it’s okay to drink, but we gotta still act like this because we know if you do this, most likely you’re going to be the guy flipping down the stairs, and there’s going to be a story to tell, or somebody’s going to get killed on the way home because we let one of our guys drink.”

But when you look at this culture of family culture, when you teach and live correct principles, it’s safe for everybody, right? Everybody, we teach correct principles that are safe. If we’re teaching correct principles in a safe environment, that means you can bring your family to the Christmas party, you can bring your family to the campout, you can bring your family to the company. You can bring your kids to “Bring Your Kid to Work Day,” and you can trust if.