Summer Party ’22: Brian – We Love to Play Together as Hard as We Work Together (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, proudly marks three decades of excellence in the industry. As we reminisce about our journey, we take a moment to appreciate the dedicated electricians who have been an integral part of our family, shaping the success story that is Barts Electric.

A Legacy of 30 Years

“I’ve been with Barts Electric since ’97, and it’s great to be back,” shares one of our seasoned team members. With a history dating back to 1992, our company has grown and thrived, consistently delivering top-notch electrical construction services across the nation.

Family Bonding and Traditions

Looking back, our journey is not just about work; it’s about building lasting relationships and cherished memories. The mention of family campouts in the 90s and annual Christmas parties brings a nostalgic smile to many faces. The camaraderie built during these events has been an essential part of our company’s culture.

“Family campouts, annual Christmas parties, family picnics – it’s great to get together and play with everybody as hard as you work with everybody,” reflects another team member. At Barts Electric, we believe in fostering a sense of community, recognizing that the bonds we build outside of work contribute to a stronger and more cohesive team within.

Opportunities for Electricians

Barts Electric isn’t just a workplace; it’s a place for growth and opportunities, especially for electricians and those aspiring to become one. Whether you’re a seasoned journeyman or a budding apprentice, Barts Electric welcomes you to be a part of our dynamic team.

“We’re always hiring new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen,” emphasizes our commitment to nurturing talent in the electrical industry. Joining Barts Electric means not just finding a job but becoming a part of a legacy that values skill, dedication, and a passion for electrical craftsmanship.

Cherishing Every Moment

As we celebrate our 30-year milestone, the sentiment echoed by one of our team members resonates deeply: “It’s a blessing to be here, and we’re having a lot of fun.” Barts Electric recognizes that our success is not only measured in projects completed but in the joy and satisfaction of our team members.

Here’s to 30 years of innovation, growth, and camaraderie at Barts Electric. As we continue our journey, we invite electricians and aspiring professionals to join us in shaping the future of electrical construction.

If you are ready to be a part of something extraordinary, explore the opportunities at Barts Electric and become a part of our legacy!

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30 years, March Electric. I’ve been here since ’97; I started here. It’s great to be back. I left for a little bit, and there are memories. I remember the family campouts when we started back in the ’90s, or at least when I started in ’97.

Going to the family camp house was one of the big memories I had about the annual Christmas party, the annual family campouts, the family picnics. I mean, it’s great to get together and play with everybody. As hard as you work with everybody, we just love doing this every year. My family came out; we drove two hours to come up here because we went missing for the world.

It’s a blessing to be here; we’re having a lot of fun.

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30 years, March Electric. I’ve been here since ’97; I started here. It’s great to be back. I left for a little bit, and there are memories. I remember the family campouts when we started back in the ’90s, or at least when I started in ’97.

Going to the family camp house was one of the big memories I had about the annual Christmas party, the annual family campouts, the family picnics. I mean, it’s great to get together and play with everybody. As hard as you work with everybody, we just love doing this every year. My family came out; we drove two hours to come up here because we went missing for the world.

It’s a blessing to be here; we’re having a lot of fun.