Reflections of Excellence at Barts Electric (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, is not just a company; it’s a community that thrives on the dedication and expertise of its team members. In this blog article, we’ll delve into the testimonial of a Barts Electric team member, Jesse, and explore the company’s commitment to excellence in the electrical industry. Whether you’re an experienced journeyman or someone aspiring to become an electrician, Barts Electric is always on the lookout for skilled individuals to join their team.

Meet Jesse

A Beacon of Communication and Detail-Oriented Excellence Jesse, a valued member of the Barts Electric team, stands out for her exceptional communication skills and meticulous attention to detail. Described as someone who is always on top of things, Jesse’s strength lies in her ability to navigate complex projects with ease and efficiency.

Communication Excellence

One of Jesse’s standout qualities is her communication prowess. Colleagues commend her for being super detailed and always having the necessary information at her fingertips. Her commitment to effective communication is evident in her role as a Project Manager, where clarity and precision are paramount.

Problem Solving and Resourcefulness

Jesse’s ability to tackle challenges is truly commendable. She possesses a resourcefulness that ensures she never says, “Can’t do that.” Instead, she embraces each task with a determination to find solutions. Colleagues have attested to Jesse’s proficiency in using tools like PRS (Project Resource System), allowing her to efficiently locate information and guide the team to success.

Continuous Learning and Growth

What sets Jesse apart is her eagerness to learn beyond the conventional scope of her responsibilities. She actively seeks knowledge about various aspects of the electrical industry, demonstrating a genuine interest in understanding the intricacies of the work. This thirst for knowledge is a testament to Barts Electric’s culture of continuous learning and professional development.

Team Mentality and Project Management

Barts Electric takes pride in its exceptional team of project managers, each dedicated to the success of their projects and the well-being of their team members. The company emphasizes a collaborative approach, where project managers like Jesse not only understand the technical aspects of their projects but also prioritize the well-being and growth of their teams.

Opportunities for Electricians and Apprentices

Barts Electric is committed to fostering a dynamic and inclusive work environment. The company actively seeks new talent, welcoming both experienced journeymen and aspiring electrical apprentices to join their ranks. With a focus on professional growth and a commitment to excellence, Barts Electric provides a platform for individuals to thrive in the electrical construction industry.

Barts Electric’s commitment to excellence is exemplified through individuals like Jesse, whose dedication and passion contribute to the company’s success. Whether you’re an experienced electrician looking for new opportunities or an aspiring apprentice eager to learn from the best, Barts Electric invites you to be a part of their dynamic and supportive community. Join a company that values communication, detail-oriented excellence, and a continuous pursuit of knowledge in the ever-evolving field of electrical construction.

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What about Jesse? What’s Jesse’s strength in communication? Super detailed, always on top of PRS or whatever has all the information. Can let you know where to find it; never says, “No, can’t do that.” Since I’ve been here, every time I’ve asked her for something, it’s there, man. Even if she doesn’t know, she’ll figure it out.

Oh yeah, she wants to learn about things that aren’t necessarily in her box, right? She’s like, “Tell me about this. Why? What is the difference here?” You know, just because she wants to understand it more. We’re very lucky. We have Barts Electric. We have the best PMs, and that means they all care about our guys. They understand the project, manage anything that comes up. It’s just like you said, “No, I can’t see that.” They’ll look into that; they’ll find an answer.

And she wanted to take on more. She was in the first Walmart bombs meeting, and now we’re having the second Walmart response meeting. She comes in and conducts the meeting; she’s constantly wanting to do more.

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What about Jesse? What’s Jesse’s strength in communication? Super detailed, always on top of PRS or whatever has all the information. Can let you know where to find it; never says, “No, can’t do that.” Since I’ve been here, every time I’ve asked her for something, it’s there, man. Even if she doesn’t know, she’ll figure it out.

Oh yeah, she wants to learn about things that aren’t necessarily in her box, right? She’s like, “Tell me about this. Why? What is the difference here?” You know, just because she wants to understand it more. We’re very lucky. We have Barts Electric. We have the best PMs, and that means they all care about our guys. They understand the project, manage anything that comes up. It’s just like you said, “No, I can’t see that.” They’ll look into that; they’ll find an answer.

And she wanted to take on more. She was in the first Walmart bombs meeting, and now we’re having the second Walmart response meeting. She comes in and conducts the meeting; she’s constantly wanting to do more.