Performance Pays Off: The Merit Shop Philosophy (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, is dedicated to fostering a thriving community of electricians. In this blog post, we will explore the Merit shop philosophy at Barts Electric and how it is tailored to recognize, promote, and support electricians at every stage of their careers. Whether you are a seasoned journeyman or someone aspiring to become an electrician, Barts Electric is the place for you.

Merit Shop Philosophy

At Barts Electric, the Merit shop philosophy is at the core of their values. This approach emphasizes recognizing and promoting individuals based on merit and performance rather than relying on seniority alone. Electricians at Barts Electric have the opportunity to advance in their careers by showcasing their skills, dedication, and a desire for growth.

Supporting Career Growth

Barts Electric believes in the potential of every electrician. If you have the ambition to take on more responsibilities, Barts Electric is committed to providing the support needed to help you reach new heights in your career. Whether you approach them with a request for additional challenges or express a need for further training, Barts Electric is there to guide you through the process.

Investing in Training and Development

The company’s mantra, as articulated by Bart Matra, is that they build people. Barts Electric is dedicated to preparing individuals to excel in their roles. If you have the desire to progress in your career, the company sees it as their responsibility to equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge. Barts Electric invests in comprehensive training programs to ensure that all electricians are well-prepared to handle the challenges of the job.

Hiring Opportunities

Barts Electric is not just a workplace; it’s a community that is always looking for new talent. The company actively hires both electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen who are passionate about their work. If you are considering a career in electrical construction, Barts Electric offers a supportive environment where your skills will be recognized and rewarded.

Barts Electric stands out as a national electrical construction contractor that prioritizes the growth and development of its electricians. The Merit shop philosophy, coupled with a commitment to training and development, ensures that every individual has the opportunity to thrive in their career. Whether you are an aspiring electrician or an experienced journeyman, Barts Electric welcomes you to join their team and be part of a company that is dedicated to building not just structures but also the people behind them.

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With the Merit shop philosophy, we’ll recognize you. We’ll promote you if you come in and ask for more. We’ll give you more if you come in and ask for more. And if you can’t do more, what do we do? We work on how we can get you to the level where you can handle it. There you go. If you have the desire, it’s our job to get you prepared to be able to do that job right. You know, Bart Matra is – we build people

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With the Merit shop philosophy, we’ll recognize you. We’ll promote you if you come in and ask for more. We’ll give you more if you come in and ask for more. And if you can’t do more, what do we do? We work on how we can get you to the level where you can handle it. There you go. If you have the desire, it’s our job to get you prepared to be able to do that job right. You know, Bart Matra is – we build people