My Job is to Help Everybody be Successful (Video)

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Barts Electric, a prominent national electrical construction contractor, has been making waves in the industry not just for its exemplary projects but also for the vibrant community it fosters. In this blog article, we delve into the experiences of individuals associated with Barts Electric, offering insights for both seasoned electricians and aspiring apprentices.

A Community of Excellence

The story begins with a chance encounter at a clinic, where a nurse discovered that an individual’s son worked at Barts Electric. The response from someone familiar with the company was immediate – an acknowledgment of the outstanding reputation that the Barts family holds. This brief exchange underscores the impact and positive reputation that Barts Electric has established in various communities.

Organizing Success

Within Barts Electric, every role is integral to the overall success of the company. As shared by an employee, the responsibility of keeping the shop organized and ensuring tools are in optimal condition is crucial. This not only highlights the importance of attention to detail but also emphasizes the commitment to providing a well-equipped and efficient workspace for everyone involved.

Empowering Individuals

A key aspect of the Barts Electric ethos is its commitment to building and empowering individuals. When new members join the team, they are not just thrown into the job but are equipped with the necessary tools and safety gear to ensure their success. The company’s investment in its employees is evident in its approach to nurturing a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

Opportunities for Growth

Barts Electric proudly announces that they are always on the lookout for new talent, actively hiring both electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen. This presents a golden opportunity for those aspiring to become electricians or seasoned professionals looking to elevate their careers. The company’s commitment to growth is not only reflected in its projects but also in the development of its workforce.

Barts Electric stands as a beacon in the electrical construction industry, not just for its remarkable projects but for the strong sense of community it builds. Aspiring electricians and seasoned journeymen alike can find a home at Barts Electric, where success is not just a goal but a shared journey. If you’re ready to be a part of a team that values excellence and growth, consider joining Barts Electric – where every individual’s success is a collective achievement.

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Complete Video Transcript

My son had an accident, and so we were in a clinic for his foot. The nurse who was there asked my son, “Where do you work?” He replied, “Barts Electric.” A lady exclaimed, “Wow, that is amazing! I went to school with Bart’s daughter, and they are an outstanding family.” Even before playing offline, I already knew about Barts Electric.

I basically kept the shop organized and the tools. I ensured that the tools are checked in, and when they come back, I made sure they work properly. I ensured they are ready for the next person to take out and perform. Basically, the bottom line here is that my job is to help everybody be successful in any way that we can do it. They build people here. So whenever they put you in the job, they throw you on the job. If you need a safety vest, they give you one to make you successful.

I’ve been really great and blessed by everybody. They all have been a helping hand here to help me do my job.

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Complete Video Transcript

My son had an accident, and so we were in a clinic for his foot. The nurse who was there asked my son, “Where do you work?” He replied, “Barts Electric.” A lady exclaimed, “Wow, that is amazing! I went to school with Bart’s daughter, and they are an outstanding family.” Even before playing offline, I already knew about Barts Electric.

I basically kept the shop organized and the tools. I ensured that the tools are checked in, and when they come back, I made sure they work properly. I ensured they are ready for the next person to take out and perform. Basically, the bottom line here is that my job is to help everybody be successful in any way that we can do it. They build people here. So whenever they put you in the job, they throw you on the job. If you need a safety vest, they give you one to make you successful.

I’ve been really great and blessed by everybody. They all have been a helping hand here to help me do my job.