Matt’s Maxims for Project Success – Volume 1 (Video)

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Are you an electrician or aspiring to become one? Whether you’re a seasoned journeyman or just starting your apprenticeship, mastering the intricacies of electrical construction is crucial. In this informative blog post, we’ll delve into essential tips shared by Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor. This valuable insight is not only applicable to experienced electricians but also serves as a guide for those embarking on a career in the electrical industry.

Understanding the Collaborative Nature of Construction

Barts Electric emphasizes the importance of collaboration, particularly when working alongside other trades, such as masons. The video transcript highlights the need for electricians to be proactive in understanding the construction process. As the masons build walls, electricians must ensure they have a comprehensive understanding of the layout, including elevations and the types of boxes used.

Staying Ahead: The Key to Success

A recurring theme in Barts Electric’s advice is the significance of staying ahead in the construction timeline. Electricians are encouraged to maintain a proactive approach, always staying on top of their tasks. This involves having a well-thought-out plan, knowing the details of the project, and being aware of the specific type of boxes and underground connections involved.

The Clock is Ticking: Time Management in Electrical Construction

Time management is a critical aspect of electrical construction, as emphasized by Barts Electric. Electricians are urged to keep a clock in mind, understanding where they stand in the project timeline. Regular self-assessment is crucial – are you on track, behind, or perhaps even ahead? This constant awareness enables electricians to make informed decisions and adjustments as needed.

Recognizing Challenges and Seeking Assistance

Barts Electric acknowledges that challenges are inevitable in the construction industry. If an electrician finds themselves falling behind or buried under tasks, seeking assistance is not just encouraged; it’s essential. The company emphasizes the importance of recognizing when to ask for help to ensure that deadlines are met and the project stays on track.

Continuous Improvement: Pushing Boundaries for Success

For those electricians who find themselves ahead in the construction timeline, Barts Electric advises pushing a little more. By identifying ways to streamline processes and make it easier for the next person in line, electricians contribute to the overall success of the project. This commitment to continuous improvement benefits both the individual and the team.

Join Barts Electric: Opportunities for Apprentices and Journeymen

If you’re passionate about electrical construction and looking for opportunities to grow in your career, consider joining Barts Electric. As a national electrical construction contractor, Barts Electric is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen. With a commitment to excellence and a collaborative approach, Barts Electric provides an environment where electricians can thrive and contribute to the success of diverse construction projects.

In conclusion, mastering electrical construction requires a combination of collaboration, proactive planning, effective time management, and a willingness to seek assistance when needed. Barts Electric’s insights serve as a valuable guide for electricians at all stages of their careers, ensuring success in the dynamic and challenging field of electrical construction.

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Complete Video Transcript

If you’re working hand in hand with the masons, basically building boxes and figuring stuff out right then as they’re building the wall, you and you say, “Well, I’m working with Barts Electric, I’m right beside them.” You’re behind if you don’t already have the wall figured out, all your elevations wrote down. What type of box is what the underground is that you’re tying into? You are behind, and you’re going to get buried, and that’s how things are missed, and it costs us quite a bit of money. You gotta have a clock; you gotta know where you’re at. Either every day you should know, “I’m behind, I’m buried, or I’m ahead.” You’re one of these things; you’re right on track, you’re right where you need to be.

If you’re behind, you either need to kick it up a notch or get help. I mean, that’s basically what it boils down to. If you’re getting paid, if you’re getting buried, you need to ask for help because you can’t beat the deadlines. If you’re ahead, push a little more, find ways to make it easier for the next guy.

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Complete Video Transcript

If you’re working hand in hand with the masons, basically building boxes and figuring stuff out right then as they’re building the wall, you and you say, “Well, I’m working with Barts Electric, I’m right beside them.” You’re behind if you don’t already have the wall figured out, all your elevations wrote down. What type of box is what the underground is that you’re tying into? You are behind, and you’re going to get buried, and that’s how things are missed, and it costs us quite a bit of money. You gotta have a clock; you gotta know where you’re at. Either every day you should know, “I’m behind, I’m buried, or I’m ahead.” You’re one of these things; you’re right on track, you’re right where you need to be.

If you’re behind, you either need to kick it up a notch or get help. I mean, that’s basically what it boils down to. If you’re getting paid, if you’re getting buried, you need to ask for help because you can’t beat the deadlines. If you’re ahead, push a little more, find ways to make it easier for the next guy.