I Love What I Do at Barts Electric (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, is not just a company; it’s a platform for growth, learning, and excellence. In this blog article, we delve into the essence of Barts Electric, exploring the company’s commitment to constant improvement and its appeal to electricians and individuals aspiring to join the electrical industry.

Always Striving for Growth

Barts Electric’s core philosophy centers around growth. The company is driven by the desire to continually improve and excel in every aspect. The transcript from a recent Barts Electric video reflects this passion for growth, with employees expressing a shared commitment to doing the best job possible. Whether it’s a project assistant eager to support the team or an experienced electrician looking for more efficient ways to work, the common thread is the aspiration to grow and evolve within their roles.

A Love for the Profession

Embedded within the Barts Electric culture is a genuine love for the profession. Employees speak ardently about their roles, emphasizing their passion for the work they do. This sentiment is a testament to the positive and fulfilling experiences individuals have within the company. Barts Electric recognizes the value of employees who genuinely enjoy their work and contribute meaningfully to the team.

Opportunities for Advancement

For those who envision a future in project management or aspire to climb the career ladder, Barts Electric is not just a workplace but a stepping stone towards professional development. The company actively identifies and nurtures potential leaders, acknowledging their contributions and potential for growth. The transcript highlights that employees are approached about advancing their careers, demonstrating Barts Electric’s commitment to supporting the aspirations of its workforce.

Calling All Electricians – Barts Electric Wants You

Barts Electric is not just about its existing team; it’s about building a community of skilled and passionate professionals. If you’re an electrician or someone aspiring to become one, Barts Electric is the place to be. The company is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join its ranks. This is an open invitation to individuals seeking a dynamic and rewarding career in the electrical construction industry.

In the world of electrical construction, Barts Electric stands out as more than just a contractor – it’s a community that fosters growth, values passion for the profession, and provides opportunities for advancement. Whether you’re an experienced journeyman or someone aspiring to enter the electrical field, Barts Electric welcomes you to be a part of its journey towards excellence. Embrace the opportunity to grow, learn, and contribute to the vibrant and thriving community at Barts Electric.

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Complete Video Transcript

We want to grow. We always want to grow. I want to do a better job; I want to do the best job that I can in whatever role it might be that I’m in. And you want to keep learning and finding better ways to be more efficient, do more, assist more. But anytime I’m asked that question, it’s always like, I really love what I do. Though I do, I love what I do. I love being a project assistant and supporting the team.

I have been approached about project management. At this point in my career, it’s not something that I’m wanting to make the move to. It’s great that they see the potential for that, but it’s also great that they recognize I love what I do and that I bring a lot of value in the role that I’m in.

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Complete Video Transcript

We want to grow. We always want to grow. I want to do a better job; I want to do the best job that I can in whatever role it might be that I’m in. And you want to keep learning and finding better ways to be more efficient, do more, assist more. But anytime I’m asked that question, it’s always like, I really love what I do. Though I do, I love what I do. I love being a project assistant and supporting the team.

I have been approached about project management. At this point in my career, it’s not something that I’m wanting to make the move to. It’s great that they see the potential for that, but it’s also great that they recognize I love what I do and that I bring a lot of value in the role that I’m in.