Cooking Out With Crumby (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, not only excels in powering up buildings but also knows how to light up a barbecue. In this exclusive behind-the-scenes interview, Barts Electric team members share their passion for cooking, revealing some valuable insights for electricians and aspiring individuals in the trade.

The Art of Cooking

While Barts Electric is renowned for its electrical expertise, it turns out their team members are skilled in more than just wiring. In this laid-back conversation, the focus shifts from circuits to grilling as the hosts discuss their favorite cooking techniques. The discussion kicks off with the essential question – what’s the secret to a perfect burger?

According to the Barts Electric team, the key lies in not overcooking the meat. Whether it’s burgers or brats, the recommendation is to sear them hot and then let them finish off slowly. The hosts stress the importance of maintaining the right balance, ensuring the meat is cooked to perfection without losing its juiciness.

Barbecue Wisdom

As the conversation turns towards barbecue, Barts Electric team members share their expertise in handling smokers. For those electricians who enjoy cooking outdoors, the team recommends the “low and slow” approach. This method involves cooking meat at a low temperature for an extended period, resulting in tender and flavorful dishes.

One team member reveals a unique twist – creating a signature barbecue sauce by mixing two commercial varieties, namely Casey Masterpiece and Gates. The secret to this sauce is hitting both sides of the meat generously. While everyone asks for the recipe, there’s a unanimous response – there isn’t one! According to Barts Electric, the best approach is to experiment and find your perfect combination.

Application to Electrical Work

Drawing parallels between cooking and electrical work, Barts Electric emphasizes the importance of precision and balance. Just as a well-cooked burger requires careful attention to temperature and timing, electrical projects demand accuracy and a keen eye for detail.

Opportunities at Barts Electric

In addition to serving up delicious cooking tips, Barts Electric wants to invite electricians and those aspiring to join the trade to consider a career with them. The company is always on the lookout for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join their dynamic team.

Barts Electric’s foray into the world of cooking reveals a side of the team that extends beyond electrical work. The dedication to perfection, balance, and experimentation in the kitchen mirrors the principles upheld in their professional endeavors. For those passionate about both electrical work and grilling, Barts Electric offers not only a spark in the wiring but also a sizzle on the grill. Explore the opportunities at Barts Electric, where precision meets passion in both the workplace and the kitchen.

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Complete Video Transcript

Crummy, what are you cooking? Get some burgers and brats.

Sweet, now tell us about your cooking. You’re a cook.

Oh, I don’t know about that. I like to cook; I like to cook. I do. I do all the cooking in my house. So, it’s not a baker, but I’m a cook. I just like to cook everything. I don’t really have one favorite dish.

What’s the art of making a good burger? Don’t overcook it. Don’t overcook it. You cook it slow, or is that the trick? Sear it hot and then let it finish off slow, and just don’t overcook it.

Well done! You do barbecue. I do barbecue. I have my own smoker for that, Bill. And what’s the trick to that?

Oh, low and slow. Low and slow.

Any sauces?

I make my own out of two different commercial ones. I mix two commercial ones to make one, and everybody always asks for the recipe. There ain’t no recipe to it. Just go to the store and buy my Casey Masterpiece and Gates. I mix it half and half, hitting both sides of it, and everybody seems to like it. So, I haven’t had any complaints about it yet.

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Complete Video Transcript

Crummy, what are you cooking? Get some burgers and brats.

Sweet, now tell us about your cooking. You’re a cook.

Oh, I don’t know about that. I like to cook; I like to cook. I do. I do all the cooking in my house. So, it’s not a baker, but I’m a cook. I just like to cook everything. I don’t really have one favorite dish.

What’s the art of making a good burger? Don’t overcook it. Don’t overcook it. You cook it slow, or is that the trick? Sear it hot and then let it finish off slow, and just don’t overcook it.

Well done! You do barbecue. I do barbecue. I have my own smoker for that, Bill. And what’s the trick to that?

Oh, low and slow. Low and slow.

Any sauces?

I make my own out of two different commercial ones. I mix two commercial ones to make one, and everybody always asks for the recipe. There ain’t no recipe to it. Just go to the store and buy my Casey Masterpiece and Gates. I mix it half and half, hitting both sides of it, and everybody seems to like it. So, I haven’t had any complaints about it yet.