Bart’s Electric Tackles High-Tech Lighting Project at Olathe Northwest High School (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, is at the forefront of revolutionizing electrical systems. In a recent video, we explore the company’s commitment to excellence as they upgrade the electrical racks at a local school. This informative blog article is tailored for electricians and aspiring individuals keen on joining the electrical trade, highlighting Barts Electric’s dedication to innovation, quality, and continuous growth.

Revolutionizing Electrical Infrastructure

The video showcases Barts Electric’s recent installation of new electrical racks at a school. The previous racks, described as “old antique” and older than the school itself, were replaced with cutting-edge technology. These new racks signify a significant leap forward in terms of efficiency, functionality, and control.

Enhanced Control and Automation

One notable feature of the upgraded system is the school’s ability to control all lighting through computers. Barts Electric has successfully integrated advanced technology to streamline and enhance the management of lighting systems within the educational facility. The new control boards allow for more precise and efficient control, contributing to a smarter and more energy-efficient environment.

Powering Up for Success

The video mentions the necessity of powering up the control boards and establishing connections from the transfers to the black boxes. This process underlines Barts Electric’s commitment to ensuring seamless functionality and reliability in their electrical installations. The company’s expertise in powering up complex systems demonstrates their proficiency in handling intricate electrical projects.

Network Integration

As part of the upgrade, Barts Electric also addresses the networking aspect of the electrical infrastructure. The video showcases black boxes representing the network connections, emphasizing the importance of a well-integrated network for modern electrical systems. This integration facilitates effective communication and coordination, further enhancing the overall efficiency of the electrical setup.

Career Opportunities with Barts Electric

For electricians and those aspiring to enter the electrical trade, Barts Electric presents exciting career opportunities. The company is actively seeking new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join their team. As a national electrical construction contractor, Barts Electric provides a dynamic and challenging work environment, allowing individuals to contribute to cutting-edge projects and grow within the industry.

Barts Electric’s commitment to excellence is evident in their transformative work at the local school. The upgrade showcases their proficiency in modernizing electrical infrastructure for improved efficiency and functionality. Aspiring electricians and seasoned journeymen are encouraged to explore career opportunities with Barts Electric, a company dedicated to shaping the future of electrical construction on a national scale.

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Complete Video Transcript

So, over here, what you see now is the new racks that we installed. The old ones were old antique; they’re older than what the school is. I don’t know how they got them, but these are the new racks. This is what they’re going with, so they’re going to be able to control all their lighting from computers.

This is their control board, so we got to power this up too and get connections from the transfers to this black, to these black boxes here. This is their network.

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Complete Video Transcript

So, over here, what you see now is the new racks that we installed. The old ones were old antique; they’re older than what the school is. I don’t know how they got them, but these are the new racks. This is what they’re going with, so they’re going to be able to control all their lighting from computers.

This is their control board, so we got to power this up too and get connections from the transfers to this black, to these black boxes here. This is their network.