Bart Walker: What I Want Bart’s Electric Known For (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, is not just a company that wires buildings; it’s a company that believes in building careers and financial success for its employees. In this article, we’ll explore the unique philosophy of Barts Electric and the opportunities it offers to electricians and those aspiring to join the electrical industry.

Barts Electric’s Vision

Barts Electric aims to be known as a company that stands out in more ways than one. While the company takes pride in offering competitive compensation, it also sets higher expectations for its employees. This philosophy is rooted in the belief that by doing more, employees not only contribute to the company’s success but also reap greater rewards for themselves and the customers they serve.

Financial Security with a Generous 401k Plan

One standout feature at Barts Electric is its robust 401k plan. The company emphasizes the importance of financial planning and encourages employees to invest in their future. Employees benefit from a 401k plan with a remarkable 5% match, significantly surpassing the industry standard of 2-3%. The results are evident, as employees like the one who joined the plan at the age of 20 have seen substantial growth in their retirement savings, ultimately leading to career advancements within the company.

Empowering Career Growth

Barts Electric is committed to providing an environment where employees can thrive and achieve their career aspirations. The success story of an employee who transitioned from being a 401k participant to running an office division is a testament to the company’s dedication to employee development. By alleviating financial stressors, Barts Electric aims to create an atmosphere where employees can focus on their professional growth without worrying about their financial well-being.

Always Hiring and Supporting Aspiring Electricians

Barts Electric is on the lookout for both electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen. The company actively recruits individuals who are passionate about the electrical trade and are eager to build successful careers. Whether you are just starting your journey as an apprentice or looking to bring your experience to a dynamic team, Barts Electric welcomes you.

A Dream of Millionaires

At Barts Electric, the dream is for every employee to retire financially wealthy, with a million bucks in their pocket. The company’s commitment to doubling the industry standard in 401k matching reflects its determination to help employees achieve this dream. Barts Electric envisions a future where its employees proudly wear shirts proclaiming, “Ask me how I became a millionaire.”

Barts Electric goes beyond being just an electrical construction contractor; it is a company that invests in the success and well-being of its employees. If you’re an electrician or someone aspiring to join the electrical industry, consider the opportunities that Barts Electric has to offer. With a focus on financial security, career growth, and a supportive work environment, Barts Electric is not just a workplace – it’s a pathway to building a prosperous future.

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I want to be known as a company that pays more than anybody else. I also want to be known as a company that expects more, that’s required to do more. But in return, you get more—the customer wins, you win, the company wins. With that philosophy, I love our 401k.

Right now, we have one employee working for us who joined the 401k when he was 20 years old. I’m so proud of him. He has significantly more money in his 401k than I do, and I am excited for him. That one decision of putting him in the 401k, guiding and supporting him, has led to him running an office for us and heading a division.

It’s because financially, he doesn’t have the pain or stress of wondering how he’s going to pay his bills. That’s what I want for every one of our employees. We have a 401k plan that we match 5%, which is considerably higher than the industry standards of two percent and three percent. We’re almost double what the industry standard is. This allows our employees to retire as millionaires, and that’s my goal for each one of them.

We have a specific case where an employee, who is now running a division for us, entered the 401k at 20. He has become financially secure, free from the worries of bill payments. I want this for all our employees. A 401k plan that helps them retire as millionaires.

That’s what I want at Barts Electric. I want an opportunity for everyone. I want them to have the chance to be the president of the company, an owner, or start their own company. My goal for my employees is that we all win together. I want every one of them to proudly wear a shirt that says, “Ask me how I became a millionaire.” That, to me, is the Barts Electric dream—retiring financially wealthy with a million bucks. I believe that’s a win for everybody.

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I want to be known as a company that pays more than anybody else. I also want to be known as a company that expects more, that’s required to do more. But in return, you get more—the customer wins, you win, the company wins. With that philosophy, I love our 401k.

Right now, we have one employee working for us who joined the 401k when he was 20 years old. I’m so proud of him. He has significantly more money in his 401k than I do, and I am excited for him. That one decision of putting him in the 401k, guiding and supporting him, has led to him running an office for us and heading a division.

It’s because financially, he doesn’t have the pain or stress of wondering how he’s going to pay his bills. That’s what I want for every one of our employees. We have a 401k plan that we match 5%, which is considerably higher than the industry standards of two percent and three percent. We’re almost double what the industry standard is. This allows our employees to retire as millionaires, and that’s my goal for each one of them.

We have a specific case where an employee, who is now running a division for us, entered the 401k at 20. He has become financially secure, free from the worries of bill payments. I want this for all our employees. A 401k plan that helps them retire as millionaires.

That’s what I want at Barts Electric. I want an opportunity for everyone. I want them to have the chance to be the president of the company, an owner, or start their own company. My goal for my employees is that we all win together. I want every one of them to proudly wear a shirt that says, “Ask me how I became a millionaire.” That, to me, is the Barts Electric dream—retiring financially wealthy with a million bucks. I believe that’s a win for everybody.