2022 Barts Family Summer Party Pt.3 – Tristan (Video)

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Barts Electric, a leading national electrical construction contractor, has been at the forefront of shaping careers in the electrical industry. This blog article accompanies a video featuring Tristan Alden, a fourth-year apprentice at Barts Electric, who shares his experience and highlights the opportunities available for both aspiring and experienced electricians.

Tristan’s Journey at Barts Electric

Tristan Alden, a dedicated member of the Barts Electric family for three years, reflects on his decision to join the company right after high school. As a fourth-year apprentice, he emphasizes the financial blessings and career growth he has experienced, especially during his time working in California with its high prevailing wage.

Learning on the Job

One of the key advantages Tristan highlights is the on-the-job learning experience at Barts Electric. From power distribution to working on feeders and mastering in-wall installations, Tristan expresses gratitude for the comprehensive skill set he has obtained during his time with the company.

Opportunities for Growth

Barts Electric is committed to the long-term success of its employees. Tristan shares his aspiration to achieve the journeyman status and potentially run a stage of a job. He also expresses his ambition to attain the highest level in the field by obtaining his master’s through Barts Electric, showcasing the company’s commitment to supporting the professional development of its workforce.

National Reach and Recruitment

As a national electrical construction contractor, Barts Electric offers opportunities across the country. Whether you are a seasoned journeyman or an aspiring electrician, Barts Electric is constantly seeking new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join their dynamic team.

Join the Barts Electric Family

If you are passionate about the electrical industry and seeking a fulfilling career with ample opportunities for growth, consider joining Barts Electric. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on skill development, Barts Electric is not just a workplace; it’s a community that nurtures and empowers its members to reach their full potential.

Barts Electric stands as a beacon in the electrical construction industry, providing a platform for individuals like Tristan Alden to thrive in their careers. Whether you are just starting or looking to advance in the field, Barts Electric offers a supportive environment, unmatched learning experiences, and a pathway to success in the electrical industry.

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Complete Video Transcript

My name is Tristan Alden. I’ve been here at Barts Electric for about three years now. I’m a fourth-year apprentice, so I was really interested in joining Barts Electric right out of high school. I’m very grateful that I did at a young age and am pursuing my career. It’s been a financial blessing to go down to California with their high prevailing wage, learning everything on the job, from power distribution and feeders to doing in-wall work. I’m very grateful to have obtained a skill set.

At Barts Electric, my goal is to get my journeyman’s license or run a stage of a job, possibly even until I get my master’s. I would like to achieve my master’s through Barts Electric.

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Complete Video Transcript

My name is Tristan Alden. I’ve been here at Barts Electric for about three years now. I’m a fourth-year apprentice, so I was really interested in joining Barts Electric right out of high school. I’m very grateful that I did at a young age and am pursuing my career. It’s been a financial blessing to go down to California with their high prevailing wage, learning everything on the job, from power distribution and feeders to doing in-wall work. I’m very grateful to have obtained a skill set.

At Barts Electric, my goal is to get my journeyman’s license or run a stage of a job, possibly even until I get my master’s. I would like to achieve my master’s through Barts Electric.