It’s Never Too Late to Make a Change (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, has been a beacon in the industry, not only for its expertise but also for its commitment to the personal and professional growth of its team members. In a recent video, individuals shared personal reflections, emphasizing the company’s unique approach to mentorship and the opportunities it provides for electricians and those aspiring to enter the field.

Trapped in the Truck Wisdom

The video begins with a poignant reflection on mentorship, highlighting the memories of working alongside family. One individual recalls his time with his father, who took advantage of the truck rides to share valuable counsel. This experience, though initially perceived as a nuisance, later became a missed opportunity for building a h2er relationship. The message is clear – the wisdom shared during those rides was invaluable, and the speaker regrets not embracing it at the time.

Connecting the Past with the Present

The speaker, now 53 years old, shares a revelation: it’s never too late to seek counsel and make positive changes. This sentiment seamlessly aligns with Barts Electric’s philosophy, emphasizing that it’s never too late to join a company that fosters growth and provides opportunities for improvement.

Opportunities at Barts Electric

Barts Electric is not just a contractor; it’s a community that values each team member’s personal and professional development. The video underscores the company’s commitment to hiring new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen. Regardless of one’s career stage, Barts Electric welcomes individuals who share a passion for the trade and a commitment to continuous learning.

Learning from Blaine’s Journey

The video features a compelling story about Blaine, who faced challenges in his career but made a pivotal decision that ultimately shaped his future. Blaine’s journey exemplifies resilience and the positive outcomes that can arise from embracing change. The message is clear: even when faced with setbacks, Barts Electric provides an environment where individuals can make impactful decisions that positively influence their careers.

Building a Better Future

The overarching theme of the video is encapsulated in the idea that Barts Electric is not just a company; it’s an opportunity to build a better future. The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive work environment where team members can contribute to each other’s success. As part of the Barts Electric family, every individual has the chance to make a difference in someone else’s life, both professionally and personally.

Barts Electric stands out not only for its exceptional work in the electrical construction industry but also for its commitment to fostering a community where individuals can learn, grow, and make a positive impact. Whether you are an experienced journeyman or a budding apprentice, Barts Electric welcomes those who seek not just a job but a fulfilling and transformative career. It’s never too late to join a company that values your growth and contributions – just ask those who have found a home at Barts Electric.

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But I had this thought today. I don’t know why I was thinking this, but every time I went to work with my dad, my dad took advantage of the opportunity, having you trapped in the truck. I don’t know if Brett remembers this or not, but if you were trapped in the truck with him, it was his time to give you some counsel.

I was thinking about, “Wow, I wish I had built a better relationship with my dad because when I was in the truck with him, I didn’t want to be in the truck with him.” I knew he’s going to ask me, “What are you up to, you rascal, you know?” Or, “What do I know that you know that I don’t know that I should try to pull out of you?” And it was always well-meaning, and he wanted the best for us.

I was thinking about that when Craig was saying this, and Blaine up here was saying it, and there was something I was thinking of when I went back to the time I was with my dad. I thought, “I wish I had taken that counsel then.” And a quick thought came back to me, “Take it now.” I’m 53 years old, and whatever that counsel was 40 some years ago that I wish I had taken, I really hadn’t even taken it now.

I share that with you because it’s never too late to find a great company. It’s never too late to make a change. Could you imagine Blaine at 47 years old? I got a little bit dug down a little bit with Blaine there because I’ve never heard that story. But sometimes when you get fired, you quit, or you lose your job, you celebrate. But most of the time, especially if you have your heart in like we know you did, it could be a big letdown.

Could you imagine Blaine Shawn at 47, spending the next 10 years working for scoundrels in the panhandle? And now he’s 57, and he’s struggling with his retirement, and he’s struggling. But what did Blaine do? Blaine’s first move from a situation not working out was the best move he could make for his future and his career.

Matt said it really well there, that things fall apart; they don’t fall together. That’s because of the way Blaine performed. You know, there’s a, if you look at this big universe, what I often say is, if you’re out there amongst it, things are going to fall in your lap, right? We’re always going to get the jobs we need, as long as we’re estimating some work. Things are going to work out for good, and in Blaine’s case, things worked out for the good.

But what I want to take away from that is this is the kind of company we need to be at every level. There’s a guy somewhere that’s emotionally having a hard time that we could change their life. We could make their life better. And every one of you has that opportunity to make their life better.

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Complete Video Transcript

But I had this thought today. I don’t know why I was thinking this, but every time I went to work with my dad, my dad took advantage of the opportunity, having you trapped in the truck. I don’t know if Brett remembers this or not, but if you were trapped in the truck with him, it was his time to give you some counsel.

I was thinking about, “Wow, I wish I had built a better relationship with my dad because when I was in the truck with him, I didn’t want to be in the truck with him.” I knew he’s going to ask me, “What are you up to, you rascal, you know?” Or, “What do I know that you know that I don’t know that I should try to pull out of you?” And it was always well-meaning, and he wanted the best for us.

I was thinking about that when Craig was saying this, and Blaine up here was saying it, and there was something I was thinking of when I went back to the time I was with my dad. I thought, “I wish I had taken that counsel then.” And a quick thought came back to me, “Take it now.” I’m 53 years old, and whatever that counsel was 40 some years ago that I wish I had taken, I really hadn’t even taken it now.

I share that with you because it’s never too late to find a great company. It’s never too late to make a change. Could you imagine Blaine at 47 years old? I got a little bit dug down a little bit with Blaine there because I’ve never heard that story. But sometimes when you get fired, you quit, or you lose your job, you celebrate. But most of the time, especially if you have your heart in like we know you did, it could be a big letdown.

Could you imagine Blaine Shawn at 47, spending the next 10 years working for scoundrels in the panhandle? And now he’s 57, and he’s struggling with his retirement, and he’s struggling. But what did Blaine do? Blaine’s first move from a situation not working out was the best move he could make for his future and his career.

Matt said it really well there, that things fall apart; they don’t fall together. That’s because of the way Blaine performed. You know, there’s a, if you look at this big universe, what I often say is, if you’re out there amongst it, things are going to fall in your lap, right? We’re always going to get the jobs we need, as long as we’re estimating some work. Things are going to work out for good, and in Blaine’s case, things worked out for the good.

But what I want to take away from that is this is the kind of company we need to be at every level. There’s a guy somewhere that’s emotionally having a hard time that we could change their life. We could make their life better. And every one of you has that opportunity to make their life better.