Construction Industry is Woefully Short of Women (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, is at the forefront of recognizing and addressing the challenges faced by women in the construction industry. In this blog article, we delve into the importance of acknowledging women in construction, the strides made over the years, and Barts Electric’s commitment to fostering diversity within its workforce.

The Challenge of Recruiting Women in Construction

Construction has historically been a male-dominated industry, making it challenging to recruit and retain women in various roles. Barts Electric acknowledges that despite significant progress, there is still work to be done to bridge the gender gap in the field. The company recognizes the importance of setting aside a specific week to highlight and celebrate the contributions of women in construction.

Historical Perspective

Reflecting on the past, it’s evident that the construction industry has come a long way in terms of gender diversity. Back in the 80s, having a woman in a construction company was a rarity, and if they were present, it was often in administrative roles. Barts Electric emphasizes the significant strides made since then, with women now occupying various positions throughout the company, from entry-level roles to leadership positions.

Current Landscape

In the present day, Barts Electric proudly boasts a diverse workforce that includes women in every position within the company. The shift from administrative roles to a comprehensive representation in all aspects of construction signifies a positive transformation. However, the company acknowledges that when compared to other industries, the construction sector is still lacking the desired level of gender diversity.

Barts Electric’s Commitment

Barts Electric is committed to addressing the gender disparity in the construction industry. The company actively encourages women to consider careers in electrical construction by offering opportunities for apprenticeships and welcoming experienced journeymen. Barts Electric recognizes the unique perspectives and skills that women bring to the industry and believes in fostering an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive.

Opportunities for Electricians

For those aspiring to become electricians, Barts Electric is a national leader offering exciting opportunities for both apprentices and experienced journeymen. The company is continuously seeking new talent to join its dynamic team and contribute to the growth and success of the electrical construction industry.

As the construction industry evolves, Barts Electric stands as a beacon of progress, actively working towards a more inclusive and diverse workforce. By recognizing the importance of women in construction and offering opportunities for all, the company is contributing to a positive shift in the industry’s landscape. Whether you’re an electrician looking for new opportunities or someone aspiring to enter the field, Barts Electric welcomes individuals from all backgrounds to join its mission of building a brighter and more diverse future for the electrical construction sector.

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Complete Video Transcript

The reason it’s important that we have a specific week set aside to recognize women in construction is because construction seems to be one of the most challenging fields to recruit and have women join. For whatever reason, it’s been a huge hurdle for our industry. For as long as I can remember, we’ve made tremendous strides, for sure.

Back in the day when I started in the 80s, if you had a woman in a construction company at all, it was some sort of an administrative role at best. Nowadays, every single position in construction, from company president all the way down, has women throughout. But comparatively speaking, compared to other industries, we’re still woefully short of what we need.

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Complete Video Transcript

The reason it’s important that we have a specific week set aside to recognize women in construction is because construction seems to be one of the most challenging fields to recruit and have women join. For whatever reason, it’s been a huge hurdle for our industry. For as long as I can remember, we’ve made tremendous strides, for sure.

Back in the day when I started in the 80s, if you had a woman in a construction company at all, it was some sort of an administrative role at best. Nowadays, every single position in construction, from company president all the way down, has women throughout. But comparatively speaking, compared to other industries, we’re still woefully short of what we need.