Characteristics of a Successful Electrician (Video)

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Barts Electric, a renowned national electrical construction contractor, takes pride in its commitment to safety, quality, and excellence in every project. In this insightful blog article, we’ll delve into a recent visit by Jason Hamm, the Safety Director at Barts Electric, to the Edgewood Farm’s main event. This visit not only highlights the company’s dedication to safety but also sheds light on the qualities that make Barts Electric a top choice for electricians and those aspiring to join the field.

Ensuring Safety and Progress

On a brisk January day, Jason Hamm visited the Edgewood Farm project to ensure that Barts Electric employees were moving the project forward safely. Safety is a top priority at Barts Electric, and this commitment is evident in every aspect of their operations.

Recognizing Top Performers

During his visit, Jason spoke with Foreman Russ to discuss a standout performer at Barts Electric. The emphasis was on a particular electrician who consistently delivered exceptional work. Russ pointed out the importance of consistency, noting that this electrician could be trusted to produce high-quality work regardless of the location within the building.

Consistency in Action

The standout electrician’s secret to success lies in his consistency and attention to detail. He receives a set of drawings and instructions, and each time, his work reflects precision and thoughtfulness. His panels are meticulously crafted, and his makeup shows a deep understanding of the task at hand. This consistency minimizes the need for additional oversight, allowing for increased efficiency on the job site.

Learning from Experience

In a brief interview, the exceptional electrician shared insights into his approach. He highlighted the influence of mentors, including his father, brother, and other foremen he has worked with throughout his apprenticeship. The importance of picking up skills from different sources and forming a personal approach to the job is evident in his work.

Pride in Workmanship

One key element that sets Barts Electric apart is the pride its employees take in their work. The standout electrician emphasized the satisfaction derived from a job well done. This pride is not only a personal motivator but also contributes to the overall success and reputation of Barts Electric.

Opportunities for Aspiring Electricians

Barts Electric is always on the lookout for new talent, welcoming both electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen. If you aspire to join a company that values safety, quality, and individual growth, Barts Electric may be the perfect fit for you. The company’s commitment to excellence creates an environment where professionals can thrive and make a meaningful impact in the field of electrical construction.

Barts Electric’s dedication to safety, consistency, and pride in workmanship sets it apart as a national leader in electrical construction. Whether you’re an experienced journeyman or an aspiring apprentice, consider joining the Barts Electric family to be a part of a company that values excellence and offers opportunities for growth in the dynamic field of electrical construction.

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Complete Video Transcript

On a brisk January day, Jason Hamm, safety director at Barts Electric, visited the Edgewood Farm’s main event. The purpose of the visit was to ensure that Barts Electric’s employees were safely moving the project forward. Jason also spoke with the foreman, Russ, to hear about a Barts Electric top performer and general progress at the job site.

“What’s he do that’s so special? Does he do this differently?”

“Well, I think the important word there is ‘all.’ He’s very consistent in his work. I can send him to a different part of the building with a set of drawings and a little bit of instruction, and I know every time his panels are going to be very nice. All of his makeup is going to be very nice. It’s going to be very well thought out. There will be good questions, but a minimum amount. He does his research, digs into the drawings, and really owns his task. From childhood, there is, yeah, from my dad, from my brother, from other foremen that I’ve worked with as well throughout my apprenticeship. I mean, just pick it up from different people along the way and then form your own idea of what looks nice, what doesn’t, and the consistency is very important. I can not spend extra time with him trying to double-check his work and really digging in and making, ‘Oh, did you get this? Did you get this? Did you get this?’ I already know that he did it. Pride in your work, that’s basically what it boils down to. You want your work to look nice, and you want to feel like you did a good job as well. So, I think that’s what it boils down to.”

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Complete Video Transcript

On a brisk January day, Jason Hamm, safety director at Barts Electric, visited the Edgewood Farm’s main event. The purpose of the visit was to ensure that Barts Electric’s employees were safely moving the project forward. Jason also spoke with the foreman, Russ, to hear about a Barts Electric top performer and general progress at the job site.

“What’s he do that’s so special? Does he do this differently?”

“Well, I think the important word there is ‘all.’ He’s very consistent in his work. I can send him to a different part of the building with a set of drawings and a little bit of instruction, and I know every time his panels are going to be very nice. All of his makeup is going to be very nice. It’s going to be very well thought out. There will be good questions, but a minimum amount. He does his research, digs into the drawings, and really owns his task. From childhood, there is, yeah, from my dad, from my brother, from other foremen that I’ve worked with as well throughout my apprenticeship. I mean, just pick it up from different people along the way and then form your own idea of what looks nice, what doesn’t, and the consistency is very important. I can not spend extra time with him trying to double-check his work and really digging in and making, ‘Oh, did you get this? Did you get this? Did you get this?’ I already know that he did it. Pride in your work, that’s basically what it boils down to. You want your work to look nice, and you want to feel like you did a good job as well. So, I think that’s what it boils down to.”