Wired for Wonder: Barts Electric Powers Up New Arboretum Visitor Center (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, takes pride in its commitment to excellence and precision in every project. In this blog article, we delve into the world of electrical construction through the eyes of one of Barts Electric’s skilled professionals working on the Overland Park Arboretum Visitor Center.

Overview of the Project

The Overland Park Arboretum Visitor Center is set to become a hub for various activities, including weddings, classes, and serving as a general Visitor Center. This ambitious project showcases the versatility and expertise of Barts Electric in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing electrical installations.

Challenges Faced

The journey began approximately five months ago, with the team tackling various challenges unique to the Arboretum project. One significant aspect highlighted was the extensive use of walruff, a material commonly used in electrical installations. The absence of MC in the walls posed additional challenges, emphasizing the need for precision and attention to detail in hard-piped installations.

Piping and Panel Work:

A substantial portion of the project involved meticulous piping work, ensuring that every element adhered to Barts Electric’s stringent standards. The team shared insights into the complexities of hard piping and the careful consideration required to achieve perfection. Additionally, the electrician discussed their involvement in panel work, emphasizing the extensive experience gained in handling every panel within the building.

Gear Work and Underground Installations

The electrician touched upon the initial stages of the project, which involved substantial gear work and underground installations. Highlighting the intricacies of working with quasi boxes, they provided a glimpse into the challenges faced and the satisfaction derived from overcoming them.

Exposed Work in the Shop

Barts Electric’s commitment to quality is evident in the exposed work throughout the Visitor Center. The electrician discussed the shop’s emphasis on exposed lighting and piping, underscoring the need for precision in every detail. The unique characteristic of the project lies in its demand for perfection – every element must be level, straight, and flawlessly executed since all the work is exposed.

Opportunities for Electricians

For individuals aspiring to become electricians or experienced journeymen seeking new opportunities, Barts Electric is a national leader in the field and is actively hiring apprentices and skilled professionals. Joining the Barts Electric team offers a chance to be part of challenging and rewarding projects, honing skills and contributing to the company’s legacy of excellence.

As the journey at the Overland Park Arboretum Visitor Center nears completion, the dedication, precision, and commitment of Barts Electric shine through. This blog article serves as an insightful companion to the video, offering a deeper understanding of the challenges faced, the craftsmanship involved, and the exciting opportunities available for electricians eager to be a part of Barts Electric’s dynamic team.

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Complete Video Transcript

This is the Overland Park Arboretum Visitor Center, so they have a trail back over there, Pond. This is kind of where it’s going to be a wedding venue; they’re gonna have classes, just a whole Visitor Center. I guess I’ve been here since September, so probably five, five-ish months.

We had a ton of wall rough; there’s no MC in the walls. Everything is hard-piped, so we spent a lot of time on wall rough. We’re kind of wrapping up all of our piping; it seems I’m hanging lights currently. Every panel in the building, I did. So yeah, a lot of panel work for me, a little bit of gear work as well.

When I first got here, we did a bunch of underground. We have some quasi boxes out there; those were a fun time. This shop has a lot of exposed work; all the lighting is exposed, most of the piping is exposed. Everything has to be perfect; it’s got to be level, it’s got to be straight. I mean, all this stuff is exposed everywhere you go; it’s got to be painted. So your work, you’re definitely worrying about the paint on the conduit.

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Complete Video Transcript

This is the Overland Park Arboretum Visitor Center, so they have a trail back over there, Pond. This is kind of where it’s going to be a wedding venue; they’re gonna have classes, just a whole Visitor Center. I guess I’ve been here since September, so probably five, five-ish months.

We had a ton of wall rough; there’s no MC in the walls. Everything is hard-piped, so we spent a lot of time on wall rough. We’re kind of wrapping up all of our piping; it seems I’m hanging lights currently. Every panel in the building, I did. So yeah, a lot of panel work for me, a little bit of gear work as well.

When I first got here, we did a bunch of underground. We have some quasi boxes out there; those were a fun time. This shop has a lot of exposed work; all the lighting is exposed, most of the piping is exposed. Everything has to be perfect; it’s got to be level, it’s got to be straight. I mean, all this stuff is exposed everywhere you go; it’s got to be painted. So your work, you’re definitely worrying about the paint on the conduit.