Stunning New Arboretum Project Poses Unique Electrical Challenges (Video)

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Barts Electric, a national electrical construction contractor, takes on diverse and challenging projects across the country. In this blog article, we delve into the intricacies of their work at the Overland Park Arboretum, a nature sanctuary turned event space. This information is tailored for electricians and aspiring individuals keen on joining the electrical industry, as Barts Electric is constantly seeking new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen.

Project Overview

The Overland Park Arboretum, known for its scenic walking paths, flower gardens, and upcoming wedding lawn, posed a unique challenge for Barts Electric. Unlike many other electrical projects, this venture involved extensive exposure, with 80 percent of the work being visible. The project’s emphasis on aesthetics and high-end fixtures presented a distinctive set of challenges for the Barts Electric team.

Exposed Elegance

One of the standout features of the Overland Park Arboretum project is the exposed nature of the electrical work. From conduit pathways to fixtures, almost everything is laid bare. This not only adds complexity to the project but also requires meticulous attention to detail. The exposed conduits and pathways must maintain a top-of-the-line appearance, ensuring straight lines and an overall polished look. Barts Electric prides itself on delivering show-quality work, and this project is no exception.

Challenges and Craftsmanship

The unique demands of the Overland Park Arboretum project highlight the craftsmanship and skill required by Barts Electric. The intricate finish work and the installation of expensive fixtures necessitate a level of precision and expertise that sets this project apart. Electricians working on this site find themselves navigating the weight of a substantial $1.5 million job, emphasizing the importance of delivering excellence and meeting high standards.

Opportunities at Barts Electric

For electricians and those aspiring to enter the field, Barts Electric provides exciting opportunities. The company is consistently on the lookout for new electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen to join their team. If you’re passionate about tackling challenging projects and contributing to high-quality workmanship, Barts Electric might be the perfect fit for your career aspirations.

Barts Electric’s work at the Overland Park Arboretum showcases their commitment to excellence and their ability to handle diverse and challenging projects. Aspiring electricians and seasoned professionals alike can find rewarding opportunities with Barts Electric, a national leader in electrical construction. If you’re ready to embark on a journey that combines craftsmanship, precision, and innovation, consider joining the dynamic team at Barts Electric.

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This is the Overland Park Arboretum. It’s basically kind of like a nature sanctuary, with quite a bit of walking paths and flower gardens. There’s actually going to be a wedding lawn here and whatnot, but this will just basically be an event space.

Compared to other electrical projects I’ve done, this is, uh, a lot more challenging. Everything is completely exposed. It’s really nice finish work; the fixtures are really challenging. I mean, there are some really nice, expensive fixtures going into this building.

I don’t think I’ve ever been on a project where 80 percent of all the work is exposed. So, like all the conduit that we run, all our pathways and stuff, all of it is almost exposed. It’s got to look top of the line; it’s got to be straight. The bends got to look great. Um, it’s all show work. Kind of different, having the weight of, you know, I think this is like a 1.5 million dollar job, the weight of that on your shoulder.

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Complete Video Transcript

This is the Overland Park Arboretum. It’s basically kind of like a nature sanctuary, with quite a bit of walking paths and flower gardens. There’s actually going to be a wedding lawn here and whatnot, but this will just basically be an event space.

Compared to other electrical projects I’ve done, this is, uh, a lot more challenging. Everything is completely exposed. It’s really nice finish work; the fixtures are really challenging. I mean, there are some really nice, expensive fixtures going into this building.

I don’t think I’ve ever been on a project where 80 percent of all the work is exposed. So, like all the conduit that we run, all our pathways and stuff, all of it is almost exposed. It’s got to look top of the line; it’s got to be straight. The bends got to look great. Um, it’s all show work. Kind of different, having the weight of, you know, I think this is like a 1.5 million dollar job, the weight of that on your shoulder.