So Many Opportunities for Women in Construction (Video)

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The construction industry is thriving with opportunities, and Barts Electric is at the forefront of welcoming diverse talents, including women, into the world of electrical construction. In this blog article, we will delve into the evolving landscape of the construction sector, focusing on the experiences and opportunities that await both seasoned electricians and those aspiring to join the field.

Barts Electric: A National Electrical Construction Contractor

Barts Electric stands tall as a national electrical construction contractor, playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of the construction industry. With a rich legacy, Barts Electric is committed to providing top-notch electrical solutions across the country. From intricate electronic specs to comprehensive plans, Barts Electric excels in delivering excellence in every project undertaken.

Inclusive Growth: Women in the Construction Industry

Over the years, the construction industry has undergone significant transformations, especially in terms of inclusivity. The narrative has shifted, breaking stereotypes and creating more opportunities for women. A testament to this positive change is the journey of women within Barts Electric.

Reflecting on her 15 years in the industry, a Barts Electric employee highlights the remarkable shift in perspectives. Initially, women were confined to office roles, primarily handling electronic specs and plans. However, today, women are making strides in various roles within the company. Notable examples include Annie, the VP of Operations, and Tammy, who serves as the CFO. Their leadership positions exemplify the diverse opportunities available for women within Barts Electric.

Embracing Diversity: A Message to Aspiring Electricians

For those contemplating a career in the electrical construction field, especially young girls uncertain about their path, Barts Electric is an ideal starting point. The construction industry, as a whole, offers a plethora of opportunities for individuals with varying interests and skill sets.

The Barts Electric employee encourages those who are not yet set in stone about their career path to consider the construction industry. With the guidance and support of companies like Barts Electric, one can explore the diverse facets of the industry, discovering the many roles and responsibilities it has to offer.

Always Hiring: Barts Electric Welcomes Apprentices and Journeymen

Barts Electric is on a constant lookout for new talents, actively recruiting electrical apprentices and experienced journeymen. The company’s commitment to fostering growth extends beyond its current team, creating avenues for aspiring electricians to join the Barts Electric family.

Whether you are at the beginning of your career journey or an experienced professional seeking new opportunities, Barts Electric values the contributions of every team member. With a dynamic and inclusive work environment, the company ensures that individuals have the chance to excel and advance in their careers.

Barts Electric – Where Opportunities Abound

In conclusion, Barts Electric stands as a beacon of opportunity in the national electrical construction landscape. The company’s commitment to diversity and growth is evident in the evolving roles of women within the organization and the constant search for new talents.

For those considering a career in the electrical construction field, Barts Electric beckons as a place where one can explore, learn, and thrive. Whether you are an aspiring electrician or an experienced journeyman, Barts Electric welcomes you to join their dynamic team and be a part of the ever-expanding possibilities in the construction industry.

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There are so many opportunities in the construction industry, and in the time that I’ve started, I mean, women coming up in it have been, it’s changed tremendously. I mean, it was back from when I first started.

Women were to be in the office; women were to enter those electronic specs and enter those plans, and that was pretty much it, you know? Like there wasn’t anything for us. And just in the 15 years that I have been in the industry, I have seen, I mean, especially here at Barts Electric, you know, from VP of operations, Annie; she’s absolutely amazing, to Tammy, who’s CFO. There are so many more opportunities for women now, and especially a young girl. If you don’t have your, you’re not really set in stone of what you want to do yet, the construction industry is a wonderful place to start because there are so many different types of things that you can do in the industry.

Thank you.

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Complete Video Transcript

There are so many opportunities in the construction industry, and in the time that I’ve started, I mean, women coming up in it have been, it’s changed tremendously. I mean, it was back from when I first started.

Women were to be in the office; women were to enter those electronic specs and enter those plans, and that was pretty much it, you know? Like there wasn’t anything for us. And just in the 15 years that I have been in the industry, I have seen, I mean, especially here at Barts Electric, you know, from VP of operations, Annie; she’s absolutely amazing, to Tammy, who’s CFO. There are so many more opportunities for women now, and especially a young girl. If you don’t have your, you’re not really set in stone of what you want to do yet, the construction industry is a wonderful place to start because there are so many different types of things that you can do in the industry.

Thank you.